The numbers were suspect because I was running 3.3 under
JBuilder but 4.0 externally, I'd imagine.  I set up clean
tomcat trees and ran them outside of any test environment
and I get these numbers:  (100 rqs/10 concurrent cx)

            TC 4.0.6       |     TC 3.3.2
        Http11   Http10    |    Http11    Http10
Rq/sec    26.9     25.89   |     18         27
kb/sec    393      377     |     266        404

Coyote/11 with Tomcat 3.3 is still a dog.  I would imagine
you'd get the similar numbers with any servlet as I changed
nothing but the servlet container between the tests.

I'm still investigating, but it may be easier for us to
move to 4.0.


| -----Original Message-----
| From: Remy Maucherat [mailto:remm@;]
| Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2002 2:22 AM
| To: Tomcat Developers List
| Subject: Re: Coyote/Http11 under load
| Keith Wannamaker wrote:
| > Same box, same app, same test, with Tomcat 4.0.6's http10 and 11 adaptor:
| >
| > coyote/http11    37rq/sec, 406kb/sec
| > http10           30rq/sec, 181kb/sec
| >
| > I've always held that 3.3 was more "lean and mean" than 4.0 but
| > now I'm wondering if this is just indicating some basic architectural
| > differences.
| I don't understand those numbers. Even the two above (how can there be 
| twice the bandwidth with only 20% more requests if the bench is correct ?).
| I thought 3.3 + Coyote HTTP/1.1 was as fast as the default HTTP/1.0.
| Remy
| >
| > Keith
| >
| > | -----Original Message-----
| > | Subject: Coyote/Http11 under load
| > |
| > |
| > | I'm using http11 on a busy site with more or less Tomcat 3.3 head
| > | (3.3.2-dev).
| > |
| > | coyote/http11   4.2rq/sec, 63kb/sec
| > | http10          6.3rq/sec, 92kb/sec

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