Amy Roh wrote:

>> The problem is that the ModelMBean implementation in JMX-RI and MX4J
>> don't seem to behave this way, and the spec wording is ( page 84 in the
>> 1.1 PDF ):
> I believe ModelMBean implementation in JMX-RI and MX4J behave this way for
> all external Notification listeners.

Not sure we are talking about the same thing here.
In MX4J, JMX-RI and modeler the model mbean will not send notifications
about attribute changes to listeners registered via 
addNotificationListener(), and there is no way to register for attribute
change notifications unless you have the instance of the model mbean ( which
is not available ).

The end result is that implementing config persistence using the attribute
change notification won't work. Combined with the fact that there is no way
to make distinction between 'external' attribute changes and 'internal' 
state change - my original proposal for config in 5.0 just won't work.

Right now the only way I can see to improve the config in 5.0 is to have the
admin ( or any UI/config mechanism ) use JNDI instead of JMX and operate on
the passive data.  

I'm trying to find if the other way around works - i.e. use JNDI events to
keep the 2 in sync - but it makes much more sense to use jndi rather than
JNI for changing the configuration and persistence, and use JMX only to 
change the runtime config and monitoring ( there is a significant 
distinction between the 2 ). 

> I believe this is only true for AttributeChangeNotifications generated by
> the internal mechanism that is enabled when a listener internal to the
> ModelMBean is added with addAttributeChangeNotificationListener().

The problem is there is no way to add attribute change notification 
listeners to a model mbean using the current API ( unless you have the 
instance ). 

> I think this was intended to allow implementing persistance on a per
> ModelMBean basis and was not intended to deliver generic
> AttributeChangeNotifications.

That might work - i.e using modeler internals for persistence, or using 
internal APIs ( interceptors in MX4J ) for other mbeans. 

I'm still trying to find a simple solution - I'm very busy right now, 
but I'll send the results to the list as soon as I'm ready. IMO going 
the other way around has a number of important benefits and doesn't require
many changes in the admin code ( the APIs are very similar, and most calls
are concentrated in few utils ). In addition we can move most of the config
and instrumentation code in the 'main' code ( since we already depend on 


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