Yeah, I actually use that in some places, but it is a bit harder to read with pages 
that have a lot of tags. Actually, the whole page is tags with very little HTML and 
everything that is text is in resource bundles.
Using that syntax doesn't really bother in when used sparsely, but with hunderds of 
JSP, it gets a bit gruesome as time goes on and pages change.
 "Craig R. McClanahan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> One textual approach to minimizing the extra newlines (I would 
> not recommend this -- they don't bother me, but they might bother 
> you):

>  <c:choose><c:when>
>  ...
>  </c:when><c:when>
>  ...
>  </c:when><c:otherwise>
>  ...
>  </c:otherwise></c:choose>
> Craig

I almost prefer patching JSPC or writing a pre-processor for JSPC than use tricks to 
get around extra "\r\n".

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