
This is for the author of the document available at
based on my experience with trying to connect apache 1.3.27 to
Tomcat 4.1.12.

In the "Apache HowTo" section, there is a subsection 
"Using Tomcat auto-configure".  I would like to ask the author
to please clarify this.  

I know that Tomcat 3 offered a feature to create a configuration 
file that was suitable for use by Apache; I believe this feature
was invoked by some magic option passed to Tomcat at start time.

But I cannot find anything similar in Tomcat 4.  Is it still there?
Please help and/or clarify that document.  

I would also like to ask for clarification of the mod_jk versus mod_jk2
question.  The document mentions jk2 briefly as the best thing to use
in the beginning, but the rest of the document seems to be focused on 
jk version 1.2, which I believe is just mod_jk or jk for short.



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