With Tomcat 4.1 released many tomcat developers have been reticent to add new features
to its codebase for a number of reasons.  All the development going on in Tomcat 5 and
wanting to keep the number of codebase's where bug fix patches have to be applied to a

There are alot of ideas for new features that I would like to see end up in a Tomcat 4.2
release. Especially since we don't know when the Servlet 2.4/JSP 2.0 specs will be finalized
so that Tomcat 5 can be released.

There isn't that much difference in the core of catalina between the Servlet 2.3 and
Servlet 2.4 specs. It might be possible to change the jakarta-tomcat-catalina codebase
to make it neutral to what Servlet spec is implemented.  Then this codebase could be
used for future Tomcat 4 and Tomcat 5 development.  And we then have a common codebase
for applying bug fix patches.

This seems to fit in with the direction we have been going where different components
are kept in different code bases. naming, connectors, jasper, etc.




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