----- Original Message -----
From: "Remy Maucherat" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Developers List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, December 12, 2002 12:38 AM
Subject: Re: [VOTE] minimal JSR 154 only distribution

> Jon Scott Stevens wrote:
> > on 2002/12/11 5:06 PM, "Glenn Nielsen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> >>Looking at the original vote I realize that what you ask can't be done.
> >>Tomcat 4 is the RI of Servlet 2.3, JSR 154 is for Servlet 2.4.  So it
> >>isn't possible to create a JSR 154 only dist of Tomcat 4.
> >>
> >>Glenn
> >
> >
> > Very good point. I withdrawal my vote. A new vote will need to be made
> > Tomcat 5. I will re-submit when I can also submit a patch for it. =) As
> > as I'm over a Scarab deadline (Dec 20th), I'm going to work on this and
> > is going to turn into another similar Anakia-style deal.
> >
> > If you remember correctly, people -1'd Anakia all over the place until I
> > went and actually built the website using it. Now, to this day, Anakia
> > still used for the Jakarta site (as well as the main www.apache.org
> >
> > So, for something that people said sucks so badly and is such a terrible
> > idea, it has worked very well for quite a while now. =) The same will be
> > true for my minimal distribution idea.
> This is not getting anywhere.
> Actually, what you want is not a distribution for end users, but rather
> a distribution for people embedding Tomcat (like, say, for Cocoon,
> Slide, Scarab).
> If this packaging is clearly labelled as such, then I could live with
> it, as it will not confuse users (except those who can't read).

Urm, err, the users that can't read may include you ;-). Jon withdrew the
vote above.  This means that this is officially 'not getting anywhere', at
least until Jon re-submits his re-worked proposal.

> Other than that, I think having one and only one user oriented
> distribution (the implementation I favor for that one is with jboss-like
> profiles) should be a requirement.
> Remy
> --
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