It is on my todo list ( I also need this to work, at least for 500 ).
Do you have a patch ?


Donald Ball wrote:

> Are any tomcat developers going to express any interest in this issue? I
> frankly consider being completely ignored to be quite rude and a poor way
> to interact with the at-large developer community.
> - donald
> On 12/19/2002 at 12:13 PM Donald Ball wrote:
>>On 12/19/2002 at 4:02 PM Martin Algesten wrote:
>>>The problem with this bug is that there are people here who don't agree
>>>it is a bug... which is just plain ignorant and stupid... THIS IS A
>>Thank you - now I at least know that other people have observed this
>>behavior and I'm not merely on crack. Now it remains to show that the
>>behavior is incorrect. The 2.3 servlet specification doesn't explicitly
>>state that the status code attached to a response handled by an error-page
>>element should be the original status code... (Perhaps I should write to
>>the servlet spec group working on 2.4 to suggest making this explicit?)
>>However, common sense and the HTTP specification both suggest that it
> would
>>be the right thing to do. If you send a 200 instead of a 404 status code
>>along with an html page which says the given resource was not found,
> search
>>engines, proxy servers, et. al. will not understand that the resource is
>>Hmm. Digging around in the 2.3 spec more deeply, I note the description of
>>HttpServletResponse.sendError reads:
>>"Sends an error response to the client using the specified status clearing
>>the buffer. The server defaults to creating the response to look like an
>>HTML-formatted server error page containing the specified message, setting
>>the content type to "text/html", leaving cookies and other headers
>>unmodified. If an error-page declaration has been made for the web
>>application corresponding to the status code passed in, it will be served
>>back in preference to the suggested msg parameter."
>>The first sentence clearly states that the response sent to the client
> must
>>use the specified status code, regardless of whether the content body is
>>generated by the server automatically or is read from an error-page
>>>I've tried get this one sorted as well... however, either someone will
>>>tell you they don't agree it is a bug and/or they will just ignore you
>>>until you go away.
>>I can't accept that. If it's a bug, if it doesn't implement the servlet or
>>HTTP specifications properly, it should be fixed. Apache software has
>>always been about correctness, security, and speed, in that order.
>>- donald
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