You can declare your own custom pattern in AccessLogValve in server.xml. Then you can always hardcode your "id" into the pattern.


Aditya wrote:
I'm trying to consolidate the access logs for a whole bunch of Tomcats using
Spread ( like I do with Apache. The easiest way to do this
seems to be to "patch" org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve to use Spread
and I've done that trivially.

However, now that I am collecting access logs from multiple Tomcats in a
single location, I need to be able to tell which Tomcat a log line came from.
Since the AccessLogValve comes from inside a <Host/> stanza, I can use %v to
somewhat figure out where it came from, but I run into problems when I have
multiple Tomcats load-balanced by mod_jk serving the same virtual hosts. The
easiest way then to tell where it came from seems to be to use the jvmRouteId
-- any other, better, more easily obtained, unique identifier I can use?


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