I try to startup tomcat on my Chinese Windows2000 with English environment, but I 
found I can't startup tomcat:
>startup -Dfile.encoding="ISO-8859-1" -Duser.language="en"

and I checked the catalina.bat and echo the full cammand as following:
start "Tomcat" ... org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap  -Dfile.encoding="ISO-8859-1" 
-Duser.language="en" start

the server starts ok after modified to:
start "Tomcat" ... -Dfile.encoding="ISO-8859-1" -Duser.language="en" 
org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap start

so I think the %CMD_LINE_ARGS% should before the %MAINCLASS% other wise some JVM 
arguments can't transfer to mainclass after mainclass has been loaded.

My system: (Windows 2000 Chinese version) SUN JDK-1.4.1 tomcat 4.1.18-LE

Che, Dong

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