Hans Bergsten wrote:

remm        2003/01/22 03:40:00

  Modified:    jasper2/src/share/org/apache/jasper JspC.java
  - Fix package name generation.
  - Default to "org.apache.jsp" package name.

Why do you need a default package name? Doesn't this make it harder
to to use, since the package structure no longer matches the directory
Because if the user doesn't set a package, it won't work with JDK 1.4. So I'm forcing one by default; I know the structure won't match.

When I wrote my patch, I also felt that a default package prefix was
a good idea, but I dropped it in the end due to the package/directory
structure mismatch. If it's really important to, you should also make
sure the class files are generated in a directory structure that starts
with "org/apache/jsp/"
I was wondering about that, actually, and thought this was inconsistent.


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