Could you give us more information :
- jk version you're using (jk or jk2)
mod_jk (not mod_jk 2) version 1.2.2
- Apache webserver (1.3/2.0)
apache 1.3.27
- Operating system hosting tomcat and apache
it's suse linux 7.3 with kernel 2.4.20 with sun jdk 1.4.1_01
This message appears in tomcat in wait for ajp message, since Operating system return Read timed out instead of Read error.
read-error should not happen, as mod_jk could send a quit-paket or something (analog to the ftp-protocol)
read-error happen BECAUSE APACHE HTTPD server close client when it recycle them.
In such case, the connection is dropped and when tomcat see the connection close, it close it's own side of the connection and free the thread.
How many times we discussed this on tomcat-user and tomcat-dev lists. Did you take a look at mailing list archives before ?
if mod_jk doesn't do that, it's a design-error.
Again, you're welcome to provide a better design.
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