Remy Maucherat wrote:

>> costin      2003/03/07 22:52:36
>>   Modified:    coyote/src/java/org/apache/coyote/tomcat5
>>   Log:
>>   A Server is not required for non-standalone operation. In fact, Embeded
>>   doesn't define
>>    a server, and most apps embeding tomcat use this approach.
>>   All we care is an Engine.
> Hmm, yes. Well, actually, no. In that junk code (I should have put a
> fixme), I'm trying to look up the hosts. I was planning to rewrite the
> code using JMX and remove the coupling (the only good solution IMO).
> What do you think ?

It's even better. 
But you can just look for contexts - using the j2eeType=WebModule to
do the query ( but you'll have to parse the host and path from
the name - the spec doesn't define a host attribute ).

What I think is that we should clean up a bit before 5.0 is final - 
we have Embeded which doesn't extend or use Service or Server, and 
is probably used either directly or as a model by people. 

Engine is the only stable point ( which makes sense ), we should deprecate
and make sure we don't depend too much on Service or Server ( except the 
standalone case ), otherwise some features will not work very well if tomcat
is embeded in some other app.

And we should clean up the naming conventions ASAP. We don't need 5 names
( server name, service name, engine name, jvmroute and JMX domain ) - 
all we need is a Servlet Engine ID - common to all of them. 


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