Bill Barker wrote:
>> I think it is reasonable to fix it.
>> This can be serious - if someone relies on application isolation ( like
>>  a hosting environment ), the consequences can be really bad, with
>> one webapp guessing the credentials of another one.
>> The fix seems reasonably simple and clean.
> Except that it isn't really a fix.  Like Remy, I'd like to see a more
> general fix (e.g. using the new 5.0 Mapper).  However, I won't -1 if Keith
> wants to commit his patch.  It does fix the worst-case condition.

Let's call it "a small improvement" :-)


>> Costin
>> Keith Wannamaker wrote:
>> > Greetings,
>> >
>> > I brought this up in November.  Remy and I have a disagreement
>> > on how important fixing this bug is.  I want to see if there is
>> > a quorum of other committers who understand the problem and think
>> > it should be fixed prior to the next stable build release of 4.1.
>> >
>> > The immediate problem is that current Tomcat behavior causes
>> > browsers to submit auth credentials to webapps other than the
>> > webapp who originally sent the 401 challenge.
>> >
>> > Most web servers, like Apache, are careful to redirect for
>> > trailing slashes before challenging for authentication.  Tomcat
>> > does this backward.  The result is the client will usually cache
>> > the need for auth for the entire domain and not just a single
>> > webapp.
>> >
>> > Here is a repeat of the scenario I mentioned in November
>> > <>
>> >
>> >  <Context path="/foo" docBase="foo" />
>> >  <Context path="/bar" docBase="bar" />
>> >
>> > foo and bar web.xml protected with
>> >     <security-constraint>
>> >       <web-resource-collection>
>> >         <web-resource-name>name </web-resource-name>
>> >         <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern>
>> >       </web-resource-collection>
>> >       <auth-constraint>
>> >         <role-name>admin</role-name>
>> >       </auth-constraint>
>> >     </security-constraint>
>> >
>> > Current behavior:
>> > Request                 Response
>> > GET /foo                401
>> >  (at this point browsers will send credentials to any url in this
> domain)
>> > GET /foo with auth      301 redirect to /foo/
>> > GET /foo/               200
>> > GET /bar with auth
>> >          ^^^^^^^^^
>> >
>> > Correct behavior:
>> > GET /foo                301 redirect to /foo/
>> > GET /foo/               401
>> > GET /foo/ with auth     200
>> > GET /bar without auth
>> >          ^^^^^^^^^^^^
>> >
>> > My proposed patch is attached to bug 14616
>> > <>
>> > While this does not cover the case of subdirectories within
>> > a context, it does fix the most egregious case for context
>> > roots.
>> >
>> > Please comment if you are not comfortable with credentials being
>> > inadvertently shared between all webapps on a given domain.
>> >
>> > Keith
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