I don't think it really needed any discussion, but here's what's happening.

I was a Tomcat 3.2.x developer and managed the releases of 3.2.2-4.  I still
have Tomcat 3.2 embedded in my product so I continue to support it after a
fashion.  Some day I'll get around to swapping it out with something else,
but given my other time constraints and the fact that TC3.2 is actually
doing everything I need it to do, the change has a rather low priority.

One of the joys of working for a small ISV is that my day job often expands
to include all of my evenings, nights, weekends, holidays, etc.  For the
last year or so I've been so busy with the day job that I've essentially
vanished from the Jakarta scene.  I didn't want to, it's just the way things
worked out.  

Anyway, as I found bugs or performance issues in the TC3.2 code I fixed
them, but until now they've just been sitting in my local machine.  I had a
choice, I could move all the TC3.2 code, including my new fixes, into my own
source control and split from the Jakarta CVS repository or I could commit
the changes.  Putting the code back into the Jakarta project just seemed the
right thing to do.

Tomcat 3.2 is dead.  Believe, no one knows this better than me since I was
the one that put it sleep.  There will never be another 3.2.x release.  If
anyone wants this stuff, they'll need to build it themselves, but that still
seems better than keeping it to myself.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Glenn Nielsen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2003 7:44 PM
> To: Tomcat Developers List
> Subject: Re: cvs commit: jakarta-tomcat/src/share/org/apache/tomcat/util
> RequestUtil.java
> Why is work being done on the tomcat_32 branch?
> I don't recall any discussion about this.
> Regards,
> Glenn
> > marcsaeg    2003/07/01 14:07:43
> >
> >   Modified:    src/share/org/apache/tomcat/util Tag: tomcat_32
> >                         RequestUtil.java
> >   Log:
> >   Several performance improvements.
> >
> >   Revision  Changes    Path
> >   No                   revision
> >
> >
> >   No                   revision
> >
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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