I could really use some help.  So I have created my own realm that extends the 
JNDIRealm, you can see that class further down.   I also created the LDAPMessageFormat 
class.  So I put these classes into a jar, which I put into server/lib folder in 
tomcat.  In my server.xml instead of using the className for the 
org.apache....JNDIRealm, I put in the name of my realm.  When I startup tomcat, I get 
this error, 

ServerLifecycleLister: Can't create mbean for realm [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Does anyone know how to fix this problem?  I would greatly appreciate any help.  In 
case you are wondering, all the realm should do in addition to the JNDIRealm is to fix 
the bug, http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=16541.  Many thanks in 


public class StrykerJNDIRealm extends JNDIRealm {
     * Set the message format pattern for selecting users in this Realm.
     * @param userSearch The new user search pattern
    public void setUserSearch(String userSearch) {
        System.out.println("in StrykerJNDI realm");
        this.userSearch = userSearch;
        if (userSearch == null)
            userSearchFormat = null;
            userSearchFormat = new LDAPMessageFormat(userSearch);


public class LDAPMessageFormat extends MessageFormat {

     * @param pattern
    public LDAPMessageFormat(String pattern) {
    public String format(String[] pattern) {
        String format = format((Object)pattern);
        return filterEncode(format);

         * Put the <code>filter</code> into the proper form.  LDAP servers require a 
',' within an attribute
         * to be encoded by a '\'.  It further requires a '\' to encode a '\' when 
using a search filter.
         * @param String filter The <code>filter</code> to be encoded
    public String filterEncode(String filter) {

        int backslash = filter.indexOf('\\');
        int nextSlash = 1;
        int equal = 0;
        int comma = 0;
        boolean firstTime = true;
        String charAfterBack = filter.substring(backslash + 1, backslash + 2);

        while (nextSlash > 0 && backslash > 0) {

            // Section 4 of http://rfc.sunsite.dk/rfc/rfc2253.html states
            // "Implementations MUST allow a value to be surrounded by quote ('"'
            // ASCII 34) characters, which are not part of the value.  Inside the
            // quoted value, the following characters can occur without any
            // escaping:
            // ',', '=', '+', '<', '>', '#' and ';' "
            // So if none of these characters are currently being escaped return 
original filter
            if ((charAfterBack.compareTo(",")) != 0
                && (charAfterBack.compareTo("=")) != 0
                && (charAfterBack.compareTo("+")) != 0
                && (charAfterBack.compareTo("<")) != 0
                && (charAfterBack.compareTo(">")) != 0
                && (charAfterBack.compareTo("#")) != 0
                && (charAfterBack.compareTo("+")) != 0
                && (charAfterBack.compareTo(";")) != 0)
                return filter;

            /*String before = filter.substring(0, backslash + 1);
            String after = filter.substring(backslash + 1);
            nextSlash = after.indexOf('\\');
            backslash = backslash + nextSlash + 1;
            filter = before + "\\" + after;*/

            // remove the backslash that is escaping 
            String before = filter.substring(0, backslash);
            String after = filter.substring(backslash + 1);
            nextSlash = after.indexOf('\\');
            backslash = backslash + nextSlash + 1;
            //find where to put the quotes around
            //beginning of quotes after the objectname = attribute = ..., 
            if (firstTime) {
                equal = before.indexOf('=');
                equal = (before.substring(equal + 1)).indexOf('=') + equal + 1;
                firstTime = false;
            } else
                equal = before.indexOf('=');

            //end of quotes before comma separating attributes 
            //making sure not to grab the comma that is being escaped
            comma = (after.substring(1)).indexOf(',');
            if (comma > 0 && equal > 0)
                filter =
                    before.substring(0, equal + 1)
                        + "\""
                        + before.substring(equal + 1)
                        + after.substring(0, comma + 1)
                        + "\""
                        + after.substring(comma + 1);
        return filter;


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