Sorry for using gmane, but the original is on my machine at work, and I
really didn't have time to follow tomcat-dev today.  Reply below.

"Remy Maucherat" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Bill Barker wrote:
> >>[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >>
> >>>luehe       2003/07/30 17:19:42
> >>>
> >>>  Modified:    catalina/src/share/org/apache/coyote/tomcat5
> >>>               mbeans-descriptors.xml
> >>>  Log:
> >>>  Added new "sslProtocol" property + minor javadoc edits
> >>>
> >>>  The "protocol" property is a little confusing, as it means different
> >>>  things in different classes:
> >>>
> >>>  - In CoyoteConnector, it refers to the Coyote protocol name (i.e.,
> >>>    HTTP/1.1 or AJP/1.3).
> >>>
> >>>  - In Http11Processor and CoyoteServerSocketFactory, it refers to the
> >>>    SSL protocol variant.
> >>>
> >>>  We may want to fix this.
> >>
> >>Well, protocol for HTTP and AJP is the accurate name. Protocol for the
> >>secure layer is also the right name (note that this parameter is
> >>remarkably useless, as everything supports TLS now, and the old SSL2 is
> >>supposedly insecure).
> >
> > Yeah, well everything that you've said is true.  However, in the
interest of
> > deprecating the Factory (which is even more useless than the parameter
> > I'm +1 on Jan's patch.
> I have nothing against Jan's patch this time.
> I added passing arbitrary parameters on the connector element, so it
> should be actually possible to avoid using the fake socket factory. I
> don't have much time to tweak stuff, but the server.xml should IMO be
> updated, removing the factory for the SSL example. Can you do it ?

Sure, no problem.  I probably won't be able to do it until the weekend, but
you won't be back before then anyway ;-).

> (and then the SSL Howto and connector docs will need to be updated)

I'm notoriously bad at doc-writing (I've yet to submit a doc patch that
hasn't been substantially re-written ;-).  However, since TC 5 is still in
alpha, I'll post changes to the docs as well.  There is still time for
someone with writing skills to improve on it ;-).

> Remy

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