The issus is explained in "Enabling invoker servlet" section at
In addition, the Servlet 2.3 spec also states that mapping requests to
servlets based on web applicatioin deployment descriptor (i.e. web.xml) is
required so that an optional implicit mapping such as traditional
/servlet/ServletClassName is basically no more desired regarding compliance
with the spec. 
(Servlet 2.3 Spec FCS Chapter 11)
Hoping this policy is mentioned somewhere in for more accessibility,


From: Chris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, August 09, 2003 3:13 PM

I typed in a simple servlet example from the book "Tomcat Kick Start"
(Sams).  Basically I put the html and servlet class as follow:


When I start Tomcat, and access:
http://localhost:8080/mybasic_servlet/CurrencyForm.html and type a number in
the text input and submit, the browser returns a 404 error

The requested resource (/mybasic_servlet/servlet/CurrencyConverter) is not

If I add a web.xml file to $CATALINA/webapps/mybasic_servlet/WEB-INF/, and
the web.xml uses 
        <servlet-name>Currency Converter</servlet-name>

and changes my html to  <FORM METHOD=GET ACTION="convert">
Now after restarting Tomcat, and access:
http://localhost:8080/mybasic_servlet/CurrencyForm.html and type a number in
the text input an submit, this time the servlet gets triggered.

I have enclosed the files and would really apprceciate if someone explain
this 404 error to me.

Thanks in advance.


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