Thanks for the response.

We did installed servletapi-4, the version we used is from:


We unpacked the distribution and put it under the tomcat top-level directory, then
we set the variables "servlet.home" to the servlet_4 directory in the
file for the tomcat.

To us, the error messages seem to complain not finding the servlet.jar file during
the jasper build. Do we have to modify the file in jasper directories?

Thanks again.


     Re: our attempt to build tomcat 4.1.27 from source on Solaris 2.8

          From: Bill Barker 
          Subject: Re: our attempt to build tomcat 4.1.27 from source on Solaris 2.8 
          Date: Tue, 23 Sep 2003 19:38:43 -0700 

     It doesn't look like you got the servletapi-4 project (or it is in the wrong
     place).  Try doing:
        ant download
     to make certain that you've got all of the jars you need to build Tomcat.
     If you are behind a firewall, you'll need to set the values of ''
     and 'proxy.port' in your file first.

     I build Tomcat 4.1.x from source on Solaris pretty regularly, so it
     definately can be done ;-).

     "Ziying Sherwin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
     > Dear tomcat Colleagues,
     > We have been trying to build tomcat 4.1.27 from source, which we
     > from the cvs repository ( onto a SPARC computer
     > running Solaris 2.8, using j2sdk 1.4.0.  Unfortunately, the installation
     > failed, and we are hoping to find helpful insights to get us back on the
     > We have successfully installed the pre-built binary for tomcat, but
     > prefer to build it from source.  We posted several messages to the mailing
     > list several weeks ago, asking for help, but received no replies.
     > Here is a detailed summary of what we did, and the outcome.
     > FIrst, we installed the following related packages:
     >    ant 1.5.3-1
     >    jaf 1.0.2
     >    Java XML Pack Fall 01 FCS Bundle
     >    javamail 1.3
     >    jdbc 2.0
     >    JMX 1.2
     >    JNDI 1.2.1
     >    jsse 1.0.2
     >    jta 1.0.1
     >    xerces 2.4.0
     > We downloaded the following tomcat modules from the indicated locations:
     >    commons-beanutils-1.6.1
     >    commons-collections-2.1
     >    commons-digester-1.4.1
     >    commons-dbcp-1.0
     >    commons-fileupload-1.0
     >    commons-logging-1.0.2
     >    commons-modeler-1.0
     >    commons-pool-1.0.1
     >    struts
     > We also obtained the cvs versions of "jakarta-tomcat-connectors" and
     > "jakarta-tomcat-jasper" from the jakarta site from which we obtained
     > We customized the build properties by editing the file to
     > reflect the correct paths to all the packages.
     > However, when we started to build the package using command "ant dist", we
     > observed the following error messages:
     >    build-only:
     >        [javac] Compiling 79 source files to
     >        [javac]
     / package javax.servlet does not exist
     >        [javac] import javax.servlet.ServletException;
     >        [javac]                      ^
     >        [javac]
     / package javax.servlet does not exist
     >        [javac] import javax.servlet.ServletConfig;
     >        [javac]                      ^
     >        [javac]
     / package javax.servlet does not exist
     >        [javac] import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
     >        [javac]                      ^
     >        [javac]
     /servlet/ package javax.servlet does not exist
     >        [javac] import javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher;
     >        [javac]                      ^
     >        [javac]
     /servlet/ package javax.servlet does not exist
     >    [...]
     /compiler/ cannot resolve symbol
     >        [javac] symbol  : class ExpressionEvaluatorImpl
     >        [javac] location: class org.apache.jasper.compiler.JspUtil
     >        [javac]     private static ExpressionEvaluatorImpl
     >        [javac]                    ^
     >        [javac]
     /compiler/ cannot resolve symbol
     >        [javac] symbol  : class FunctionMapper
     >        [javac] location: class org.apache.jasper.compiler.JspUtil
     >        [javac]                                            FunctionMapper
     >        [javac]                                            ^
     >        [javac] Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
     >        [javac] Note: Recompile with -deprecation for details.
     >        [javac] 100 errors
     >    BUILD FAILED
     >    file:/src/tomcat_4.1.27/jakarta-tomcat-jasper/jasper2/build.xml:127:
     Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.
     > There is no mention of jasper in the file BUILDING.txt which came with the
     > source distribution.  Is jasper required by the tomcat build?  If not, is
     > a way to disable it?  How can we build jasper from source?
     > Thanks in advance for any insights into our problems!
     > Best Regards,
     > Ziying Sherwin ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
     > Rick Rodgers ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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