
On Mon, 06 Oct 2003 16:57:09 +0200
(Subject: [Fwd: Re: /www/www.apache.org/dyn/mirrors/mirrors.cgi])
jean-frederic clere <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> After having some problems with the "ant download" task. I have thought of 2 
> ways to improve it.
> 1 - Use a mirror via a modified mirrors.cgi.
> For example use:
> "http://www.apache.org/dyn/NEW_closer.cgi/jakarta/struts/binaries/jakarta-struts-1.1.tar.gz";
> Instead of:
> "http://www.apache.org/dist/jakarta/struts/binaries/jakarta-struts-1.1.tar.gz";
> 2 - Use the archive to make sure we will be able to rebuild old releases.
> For example:
> "http://archive.apache.org/dist/jakarta/struts/binaries/jakarta-struts-1.1.tar.gz";
> The first way needs a modified mirrors.cgi, therefore I have ask Joshua if it 
> was possible to do it technicaly. The answer is yes :-) but that rises questions 
> that need answers.
> Comments?

IMHO, I would like to recommend the former one.
(If any *perl-er*s or *python-ian*s are willing to create
alternative cgi scripts :-)

You can download the original script (mirror.cgi)
from "site" module, by the way. (FYI)
# site:  /docs/dyn/closer.cgi
# site:  /docs/dyn/mirrors/mirrors.cgi

I hope Joshua would be very cooperative to this. ;-)


Tetsuya Kitahata --  Terra-International, Inc.
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