I think i found a bug in Tomcat 5 implementation (J2EE 1.4-DR). I would highly appreciate if somebody could provide a brief description of what includeUri, and requestUri below stand for. I looked at the comments in Constants, but can't make out a lot out of them. Please see my comment below.
org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service() starting on line 190:
String includeUri
= (String) request.getAttribute(Constants.INC_SERVLET_PATH);
String requestUri
= (String) request.getAttribute(Constants.INC_REQUEST_URI);
String jspUri;
// When jsp-property-group/url-matching is used, and when the
// jsp is not defined with <servlet-name>, the url
// as to be passed as it is to the JSP container (since
// Catalina doesn't know anything about the requested JSP
// The first scenario occurs when the jsp is not directly under /
// example: /utf16/foo.jsp
if (requestUri != null){
////////// This is pretty unsafe syntax, and i do get an exception here, which is the only reason why i can't migrate my app to J2EE 1.4-DR! ///////////
String currentIncludedUri
= requestUri.substring(requestUri.indexOf(includeUri));

               if ( !includeUri.equals(currentIncludedUri) ) {
                   includeUri = currentIncludedUri;

P.S. On a positive note, the custom error pages do work in DR, as opposed to Beta 2.


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