----- Original Message -----
From: "Remy Maucherat" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Developers List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2003 1:40 AM
Subject: Re: cvs commit:

> > billbarker    2003/12/10 21:50:39
> >
> > Modified:    catalina/src/share/org/apache/catalina Realm.java
> > catalina/src/share/org/apache/catalina/authenticator
> > AuthenticatorBase.java catalina/src/share/org/apache/catalina/realm
> > RealmBase.java Log: First attempt to get Tomcat compliant with the
> > Servlet 2.4 Spec for AA.
> >
> > This one isn't very efficient (but not much worse than it was before
> > :).  Longer term, I'm looking to modify the j-t-c mapper to be able
> > to return a Collection of mapped objects, and use that.  In that case
> > it could also be used for Filter mappings.
> Filter mapping is simple, and should be efficient enough right now. It
> was really horrible in 4.1.x (except if somehow all filters are mapped
> to /* or the exact path :-D), and is obviously used a lot more in 5.0.x,
> so I did fix it. I was planning to use something fancy when I noticed
> the requirements for this algorithm:
> - we have try all the mappings in order, which voids any possible
> optimization
> - I think we only have a String at our disposal for filter mapping:
> getting a char array would remove any performance benefit
> - we don't have to generate any paths or similar stuff from the mapping
> results
> - there was this regionMatches method in String that could do that
> matching test efficiently
> And the profiler seems happy :) Maybe it's lying though.
> For the contraint mapping, since we also have to test them all and
> return yes/no for each, I recommend using a similar custom algorithm.

I see your point on char array.  I'll probably leave it as Strings.  I'll
also look at the Filter mapping code.

  However, the entire point of the exercise is that we *don't* have to test
all of the security-constraints.  If I have a security-constriaint with a
<url-pattern>/protected/*</url-pattern>, and another one with
<url-pattern>*.jsp</url-pattern>, then for a request to
/myapp/protected/index.jsp, only the first constraint is checked.  If you
don't believe me, read 12.8.3 ;-).

> > This version is just to get a Spec compliant version out there that
> > can be tested.
> Rémy
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