Remy Maucherat wrote:

Jan-Henrik Haukeland wrote:

Remy Maucherat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

My opinion is that NIO is going to be really useless.

Eh, hello!? Oh, okay if it's not important that Tomcat scale and perform well it may be useless. But, really, before NIO it was hopeless to try and write a scalable and fast tcp server application in Java. Tomcat's current connection handling with blocing all over the place and "thundering herd" problem doesn't scale or work very well under heavy load.

You apparently have a very strong opinion on this, and that's fine. You also obviously don't know what you are talking about. The purpose of Tomcat is to make the web tier of an application server (Tomcat is actually a mini application server), not some kind of non blocking I/O toolkit to be used to build fixed function servers. Non blocking I/O has great applications, and is a very useful technology, but it does not apply to the application server world.

I think you should find a servlet container which has NIO, compare with Tomcat 5.0.16, and come back to report your findings about how much scalability or speed NIO brings (note: doing the non blocking socket handling in a native layer doesn't really count, since it's not a fair comparison with Java's NIO; you might as well use Apache).

Bring facts, not useless rants.

I've lost the reference but did anyone else see the non-blocking NIO "plug-in" that was supposed to fit right into Java things like Tomcat and solve all their performance/scalability issues?

I saw this touted somewhere recently. It sounded *way* too good to be true, but was interesting. I'm thinking it was called something like "JEngine" or something equally vague...

What little I could make out from the info at the time seemed to suggest that it might be nice (assuming it worked) if you wanted to allow Apache to keep loads of connections open to a non-blocking IO layer in Tomcat without burdening it as much as this would normally imply. Of course the next layer of Tomcat needs to wait on the thread pool anyway, so I'm not sure what the real benefit over a reasonably sized mod_jk[2] connection pool really is...

Jess Holle

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