
What is the current state of JK2. Is it alpha, beta or GA. If this is going to be an alpha release, what is the plan for a GA release. I would like to migrate from JK when it is stable.


Henri Gomez wrote:

Hi to all,

Since many people ask for a jk2 release, 2.0.4, I'll act as
release manager if nobody else want to take the job before

I'd like to know what are showstoppers (blocking bugs) which
should be fixed in the current release.

Planning :

Up to Friday 6 Feb, determine all bugs which should (could be fixed)
and try to fix the blocking bugs.

On Thursday 12 Feb, tag the CVS with jk2_2_0_4_rc1,
make build and tests.

If everything goes fine, on 13 Feb, tag the CVS with jk2_2_0_4,
make tarball, and binaries (need help here for windows, netware,
macosx, ...).

Comments welcome

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