NormW wrote:
Good morning All.
The fact that the row (without even a 'name' value) appears in the URI
runtime table in /jkstatus suggests that it must be an object (bean?) of
type 'uri' because that is a requirement of the loop. Hence something is
permitting the creation of an unitialised uri object [zero perhaps, since it
is the first element in the table] and all this change will do is mask it
from display in /jkstatus. Of course once the cause of the problem is
determined then this patch will not have a detrimental effect.

If I remember correctly, this object is created by the initialization process of apache - there is a callback for each <Location> and <Host>, but also one callback for the top-level server, with no location or host.

I think it can be avoided, don't remember any use for this.



Hi all,
no comments yet to this??

in mod_jk2, if invoked by the /jkstatus page,
jk2_worker_status_displayRuntimeType() displays always a nameless /
useless first line below the uri runtime info;
I'm asking me what entry that vould be, and if it is the right way to
suppress displaying it, or dig for what it is?
can perhaps someone enlighten me?

--- jk_worker_status.c.origTue Feb 03 00:21:34 2004
+++ jk_worker_status.c      Wed Feb 04 22:03:24 2004
@@ -282,6 +282,10 @@
        if( mbean==NULL || mbean->getAttributeInfo==NULL )

+        /* Don't display nameless */
+        if( mbean->localName == NULL || (strlen(mbean->localName) ==

0) )

+            continue;
        if( mbean->getAttribute == NULL )

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