I converted the project to a .net 2003 project, and tried to build. No dice.
Got a really flaky error that made no sense to me.
I then looked at the .vcproj file that MS created, and tracked down
the issue (in my environment).
It seems that when the dsp file is converted to a vcproj file, InputDir is changed so that it is given a backslash at the end. In addition, the path name is quoted.
This results in the escape sequence \" at the end of InputDir, which breaks the mc command.
To me, this seems to be a Microsoft bug, but I was able to workaround this.
As a workaround, I was able to run the mc command on the command line, then to reopen the project in Visual studio.
Once this dependency was built, the project built just fine.

For your reference, the mc command was:
    mc -h "\<installdir>\jk\native2\common" \
       -r "\<installdir>\jk\native2\common" \

Aryeh Katz
SecureD Services
410 653 0700 x 2

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