EBRARD Loic wrote:
Hi all,

for same configuration of mod_deflate, using mod_jk_1.2.5_2.0.47.dll or mod_jk2-2.0.43.dll
the deflate doest work same at all :
mod_jk_1 deflate all Content-type I specified
mod_jk2 deflate only static URI for the Content-type I mention in deflate configuration

So I can't use mod_jk2 as far as i want dynamic URI deflate regardless to Content-Type of datum...

Did someone have an idea why mod_jk2 doest work fine with mod_deflate do i miss something ?

Should I understand that mod_jk2 didn't compress JSP/Servlet contents ?

Just commited some code in jk2 HEAD (present in jk but not in jk2).

Could you make a try please ?

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