I just did the following steps:
1) downloaded jakarta-tomcat-4.1.30.zip from jakarta.apache.org
2) unzipped the zip file
3) edited conf\tomcat-users.xml, adding the "admin" and "manager" roles
to the "tomcat" user
4) Start up Tomcat (catalina start)
5) hit http://localhost:8080
6) Navigate to the "Tomcat Administration" link
7) login as "tomcat"
8) Click on the icon that expances "Service(Tomcat-Standalone)"
9) Click on Connector(8009)
10) have the problem 

These are the exact same steps I did with the tarball on Linux.

I haven't tried out my fix on the Windows install, the steps above are
hot off of the presses.  :)

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 2/27/04 3:36:02 PM >>>
I can't reproduce this one either.  Clean install might be the

> Yeah, I saw this on a newly-downloaded Tomcat 4.1.30 on SUSE linux
> java 1.3.1 (Sun?)  I first saw it on NetWare, JVM 1.4.2.  I thought
> was something I had done wrong on NetWare, so I quickly tried it on
> Linux.
> Let me try a restart as you suggest, and try it on Windows with a
> download.

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