mturk       2004/02/29 05:10:45

  Added:       jk/native2/server/isapi install4iis.js
  Installation script for jk2.
  Helps setting isapi_redirector2.dll as IIS filter and
  creates desired virtual directory wit execute permissions.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1                  jakarta-tomcat-connectors/jk/native2/server/isapi/install4iis.js
  Index: install4iis.js

   *  Copyright 1999-2004 The Apache Software Foundation


   *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");

   *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

   *  You may obtain a copy of the License at




   *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

   *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,

   *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.

   *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and

   *  limitations under the License.




   * Description: Install script for Tomcat JK2 ISAPI redirector

   * Author:      Mladen Turk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                           

   * Version:     $Revision: 1.0 $                                           





   * Global variables


  //var IIsWebService;

  //var IIsWebServer;

  //var IIsROOT;

  //var AppParams;



   * Defaults


  _DEFAULT_SERVER_NAME = "Default Web Site";


  _DEFAULT_FILTER_NAME = "jakarta";

  _DEFAULT_HEADERS     = "X-Powered-By: Apache Software Foundation"

  _DEFAULT_OPTIONS     = "rbdi";

  _DEFAULT_REGISTRY    = "HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Apache Software Foundation\\Jakarta Isapi 

  _DEFAULT_FILTERLIB   = "isapi_redirector2.dll";

  _DEFAULT_WORKERS2    = "\\conf\\";



   * Set this to false to disable TRACE messages;


  _DEBUG = true;




   * Constants variables


  _APP_INPROC  = 0;


  _APP_POOLED  = 2

  _IIS_OBJECT  = "IIS://LocalHost/W3SVC";

  _IIS_SERVER  = "IIsWebServer";

  _IIS_WEBDIR  = "IIsWebVirtualDir";

  _IIS_FILTERS = "IIsFilters";

  _IIS_FILTER  = "IIsFilter";


  function ERROR(args, sMsg)


      WScript.Echo("Error processing " + args.script + "\n" + sMsg);




  function RPAD(str, n)


      var p;

      p = str;

      for (i = str.length; i < n; i++)

          p += " ";

      return p;



  function HEX(num)


      var digits = "0123456789ABCDEF";

      var n = num;

      var h = "";

      for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {

          h = digits.charAt(n & 15) + h;

          n = n >>> 4;


      return h;



  function TRACE(sMsg)


      if (_DEBUG) {

          var line = _TRACE_COUNTER + "    ";

          WScript.Echo(line.substring(0, 4) + sMsg);   





  function EXCEPTION(exception, func)


      WScript.Echo(exception + " In function '" + 

                   func + "'\nError number: " +

                   HEX(exception.number) + " - " + exception.description + "");





  function Parameters()


      this.ServerName     = _DEFAULT_SERVER_NAME;

      this.WebDescription = _DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION;

      this.FilterName     = _DEFAULT_FILTER_NAME;

      this.FilterDesc     = _DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION;

      this.WebName        = _DEFAULT_FILTER_NAME;

      this.Headers        = _DEFAULT_HEADERS;

      this.WebOptions     = _DEFAULT_OPTIONS;

      this.RegistryKey    = _DEFAULT_REGISTRY;

      this.AppProtection  = _APP_POOLED;

      this.WebPath        = "C:";

      this.FilterLib      = _DEFAULT_FILTERLIB;



  function findWebServiceObject(clsName, objName)


      var webService;

      var webObjects;

      try {

          webService = GetObject(_IIS_OBJECT);

          if (!clsName || !objName)

              return webService;

          webObjects = new Enumerator(webService);

          while (!webObjects.atEnd()) {

              TRACE(RPAD(webObjects.item().Class, 18) + 

                    RPAD(webObjects.item().Name, 15) + webObjects.item().AdsPath);

              if (webObjects.item().Class == clsName &&

                  webObjects.item().Name  == objName)

                  return webObjects.item();





      catch(exception) {

          EXCEPTION(exception, "findWebServiceObject");



      return null;



  function findWebServer(serverComment)


      var webService;

      var webObjects;

      try {

          webService = GetObject(_IIS_OBJECT);


          webObjects = new Enumerator(webService);

          while (!webObjects.atEnd()) {

              if (webObjects.item().Class == _IIS_SERVER &&

                  webObjects.item().ServerComment  == serverComment)

                  return webObjects.item();





      catch(exception) {

          EXCEPTION(exception, "findWebServer");



      return null;



  function findDefaultWebServer()


      return findWebServer(_DEFAULT_SERVER_NAME);




  function findADSIObject(adsiObject, clsName, objName)


      var adsiObjects;

      try {

          adsiObjects = new Enumerator(adsiObject);

          while (!adsiObjects.atEnd()) {

              TRACE(RPAD(adsiObjects.item().Class, 18) + 

                    RPAD(adsiObjects.item().Name, 15) + adsiObjects.item().AdsPath);

              if (adsiObjects.item().Class == clsName &&

                  adsiObjects.item().Name  == objName)

                  return adsiObjects.item();





      catch(exception) {        

          EXCEPTION(exception, "findADSIObject");



      return null;




  function hasOption(optString, optName)


      if (optString.indexOf(optName) == -1)

          return false;

      else {

          /* Check if the option is dissabled using '-' prefix */

          if (optString.indexOf("-" + optName) == -1)

              return true;


              return false;




  function createVirtualDir(webRootDir, appParams)


      var newDir;

      try {

          newDir = findADSIObject(webRootDir, _IIS_WEBDIR, appParams.WebName);

          if (newDir == null) {


              TRACE("Creating new directory...");


              newDir = webRootDir.Create(_IIS_WEBDIR, appParams.WebName);

              newDir.AppFriendlyName = appParams.WebDescription;

              newDir.Path = appParams.WebPath;


              newDir.HttpCustomHeaders = appParams.Headers;


          else {

              TRACE("Updating existing directory...");            


          TRACE("Setting directory options...");

          newDir.AccessExecute  = hasOption(appParams.WebOptions, "x");

          newDir.AccessRead     = hasOption(appParams.WebOptions, "r");

          newDir.AccessWrite    = hasOption(appParams.WebOptions, "w");

          newDir.AccessScript   = hasOption(appParams.WebOptions, "s");

          newDir.ContentIndexed = hasOption(appParams.WebOptions, "i");

          newDir.EnableDirBrowsing = hasOption(appParams.WebOptions, "b");

          newDir.EnableDefaultDoc  = hasOption(appParams.WebOptions, "d");



          TRACE("Virtual directory [/" + appParams.WebName + "] set.");

          return newDir;


      catch(exception) {        

          EXCEPTION(exception, "createVirtualDir");



      return null;        



  function createISAPIFilter(webServer, appParams)


      var filters;

      var newFilter;

      try {

          filters = findADSIObject(webServer, _IIS_FILTERS, "Filters");

          if (filters == null) {

              TRACE("Unable to find the " + _IIS_FILTERS + " for " +


              return null;


          newFilter = findADSIObject(filters, _IIS_FILTER, appParams.FilterName);

          if (newFilter == null) {


              TRACE("Creating new ISAPI filter...");


              newFilter = filters.Create(_IIS_FILTER, appParams.FilterName);


          else {

              TRACE("Updating existing filter...");            


          TRACE("Setting filter options...");


          TRACE("Filters order " + filters.FilterLoadOrder);

          newFilter.FilterPath  = appParams.WebPath + "\\" + appParams.FilterLib;

          newFilter.FilterDescription  = appParams.FilterDesc;


          if (filters.FilterLoadOrder.indexOf(appParams.FilterName) == -1) {

              filters.FilterLoadOrder += ", " +  appParams.FilterName;   



          TRACE("Filter [" + appParams.FilterName + "] set.");

          return newFilter;


      catch(exception) {        

          EXCEPTION(exception, "createISAPIFilter");



      return null;    



  function createVirtualExecDir(webRootDir, appParams)


      var op, rv;

      op = appParams.WebOptions;

      appParams.WebOptions = op + "+x-r-i-b-d";

      rv = createVirtualDir(webRootDir, appParams);

      appParams.WebOptions = op;        

      return rv;



  function deleteADSIObject(adsiObject, clsName, objName)


      var rv = false;

      try {

          adsiObject.Delete(clsName, objName);

          rv = true;


      catch(exception) {  


           * Exception is thrown if the object doesn't exist

           * Just ignore...




      return rv;



  function Arguments()


      this.argv = WScript.Arguments;    

      this.argc = WScript.Arguments.length;

      this.optarg = null;

      this.optind = 0;

      this.optopt = null;

      this.opterr = null;


      this.program = WScript.FullName.toLowerCase();

      this.program = this.program.substr(this.program.lastIndexOf("\\") + 1);

  //    if (this.program.indexOf("wscript.exe") == -1)

  //        _DEBUG = false;

      this.script = WScript.ScriptName;



  function getopt(args, ostr)


      if (args.optind >= args.argc) {


          return null;    


      try {

          var opt = args.argv(args.optind);

          if (opt.charAt(0) == "-") {

              var oi = ostr.indexOf(opt.charAt(1));

              if (oi == -1) {

                  args.opterr = "Invalid option switch " + opt;                

                  args.optopt = null;

                  args.optarg = null;

                  return null;                



              if (ostr.charAt(oi + 1) == ":") {

                  if (args.optind < args.argc) {

                      args.optarg = args.argv(args.optind);



                  else {

                      args.opterr = "Missing required argument value for " + opt;

                      args.optopt = null;

                      args.optarg = null;

                      return null;                                    



              args.optopt = ostr.charAt(oi);

              return args.optopt;



      catch(exception) {        

          EXCEPTION(exception, "getopt");


      return null; 



  function checkFileExists(fname)


      var fso;

      fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");


      if (fso.FileExists(fname))

          return true;


          return false;    



  function checkFilterExists(params)


      return checkFileExists(params.WebPath + "\\" +  params.FilterLib);




  function Usage(args)


      var prn;

      prn = "Usage: " + args.program + " " + args.script + " [option]... " + "[path] 
[tomcat_home]\n\n" +

            "  -s   WEBSERVER     Use the WEBSERVER     [" + _DEFAULT_SERVER_NAME + 
"]\n" +

            "  -f   FILTERNAME    Use the FILTERNAME    [" + _DEFAULT_FILTER_NAME + 
"]\n" +

            "  -d   DESCRIPTION   Filter description    [" + _DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION + 
"]\n" +

            "  -v   VIRTUALDIR    Create the VIRTUALDIR [/" + _DEFAULT_FILTER_NAME + 
"]\n" +

            "  -l   ISAPILIB      Use the ISAPILIB      [" + _DEFAULT_FILTERLIB + 
"]\n" +          

            "  -h                 display this help and exit\n" +

            "\n  [path]             Virtual directory path" +

            "\n                     Set this to directory containing " + 

            "\n  [tomcat_home]      Path to the tomcat home directory";





  function Main(args)


      var params;

      var opt;

      var IIsWebService;

      var IIsWebServer;

      var IIsROOT;

      var IIsFilters;

      var IIsFilter;

      var tchome   = null;

      var workers2 = null;


      params = new Parameters();


      while ((opt = getopt(args, "s:f:d:v:l:h"))) {

          switch (opt) {

              case "s":

                  params.ServerName = args.optarg;                        

              case "f":

                  params.FilterName = args.optarg;                        

              case "d":

                  params.FilterDesc = args.optarg;                        

              case "l":

                  params.FilterLib  = args.optarg;                        

              case "v":

                  params.WebName    = args.optarg;                        

              case "h":


                  return 0;                        





      if (args.optind <= args.argc) {

          /* Case when isapi_redirector2.dll is inside TOMCAT_HOME\bin */

          params.WebPath = WScript.ScriptFullName.substr(0,


          tchome = params.WebPath.substr(0, params.WebPath.lastIndexOf("\\"));         


      else {

          params.WebPath = args.argv(args.optind);


      if (!checkFilterExists(params)) {

          ERROR(args, "The specified filter library could not be found...\n" +

                "File " + params.WebPath + "\\" + params.FilterLib + " does not 



      if (args.argc && (args.optind > (args.argc - 1)))

          tchome = args.argv(args.argc + 1);

      else if (!tchome)

          tchome = params.WebPath;                

      workers2 = tchome + _DEFAULT_WORKERS2 ;

      if (!checkFileExists(workers2)) {

          ERROR(args, "The specified configuration file could not be found...\n" +

                "File " + workers2 + " does not exist.");




      if ((IIsWebService =  findWebServiceObject(null, null)) == null) {

          ERROR(args, "Unable to find Web Service ADSI object\n" +

                "Check the security settings...");            



      if ((IIsWebServer =  findWebServer(params.ServerName)) == null) {

          ERROR(args, "Unable to find Web Server ADSI object...\n" +

                "The '" + params.ServerName + "' does not exists.");            




      if ((IIsROOT = findADSIObject(IIsWebServer, _IIS_WEBDIR, "ROOT")) == null) {

          ERROR(args, "Unable to find Web Server ROOT direcrory.");



      if (!createVirtualExecDir(IIsROOT, params)) {

          ERROR(args, "Unable to create virual directory /" + params.WebName);        



      if (!createISAPIFilter(IIsWebServer, params)) {

          /* TODO: roll-back virtual dir */

          ERROR(args, "Unable to create the '" + params.FilterName + "' filter.");     



      /** Finaly set the registry entries 


      var WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell");


      WshShell.RegWrite(_DEFAULT_REGISTRY + "\\extensionUri",

                        "/" + params.FilterName + "/" + params.FilterLib,


      WshShell.RegWrite(_DEFAULT_REGISTRY + "\\serverRoot",

                        tchome, "REG_SZ");

      WshShell.RegWrite(_DEFAULT_REGISTRY + "\\workersFile",

                        workers2, "REG_SZ");

      WshShell.RegWrite(_DEFAULT_REGISTRY + "\\authComplete", "0", "REG_SZ");

      WshShell.RegWrite(_DEFAULT_REGISTRY + "\\threadPool", "20", "REG_SZ");



      return 0;



  /* The main program */

  var args = new Arguments();

  rv = Main(args);



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