Glenn Nielsen wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 04, 2004 at 05:49:21PM +0100, jean-frederic clere wrote:
>>jean-frederic clere wrote:
>>>>jfclere     2004/03/03 09:55:32
>>>> Modified:    jk/native2/server/apache2 mod_jk2.c
>>>> Log:
>>>> Remove jk2_translate... It is still not 100% OK:
>>>> - LocationMatch does not work.
>>>> - Some _not_found ends in Tomcat when using mod_dav.
>>>That is still not OK. I will go on later. Sorry :-(
>>Now it looks better. The only thing I have removed is the logic for mod_dir
>>Tomcat will do it if needed.
> Does that mean that Tomcat would have to resovlve identification
> of the directory index file?

I do not see how the code I removed helps to do it.
I am able to see that the index.html.var is requested but it is not displayed.
(when mapping /examples/jsp/* for example).

> It would be nice to keep this on the apache side when someone
> uses Alias or JkAutoAlias to serve static pages, fourwarding
> and DirectoryIndex files which are *.jsp to Tomcat of course.

By mapping "*.jsp" to Tomcat that works.

> Glenn

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