NormW wrote:
> Good morning All
> In Mod_Jk2, jk_UriEnv.c, line 419,


> there is is a test to determine which end
> of a URL template string has the *, to determine if the 'match type' should
>  [   if (uri[strlen(uri) - 1] == '*') {  ]
> A URL template found in a [uri] section is passed to
> jk_UriEnv_init() [line 321] without modification, and everything works as
> expected.


> URL's passed to jk_UriEnv_init() from Apache's .conf file have a (-nn)
> number added to the end of them, thus the test at line 419 always fails, and
> so they always default to being flagged as MATCH_TYPE_SUFFIX.
> Log entry when using .conf (<Location /admin/*>) is as follows (the -1 is
> the appended number, which increments for each conf url) :

If you use <Location> the mapping is done by Apache (See jk2_translate).

> [jk_uriEnv.c (448)]  uriEnv.init()  uri:/admin/*-1  host=*  uri=/admin/*-1
> type=2 ctx=(null) prefix=(null) suffix=/admin/*-1
> and when using [uri:/admin/*] is as follows:
> [jk_uriEnv.c (448)]  uriEnv.init()  uri:/admin/*  host=*  uri=/admin/*
> type=1 ctx=(null) prefix=/admin/ suffix=(null)
> Additionally, the extra characters on the end of the passed 'template' will
> mean suffix_len and prefix_len are incorrectly set also when received from
> Apache.
> I'm uncertain about why the numbers are added when received from Apache and
> not when generated from inside Can someone comment on
> this please?
> Norm
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