Remy Maucherat wrote:
Mladen Turk wrote:

-----Original Message-----
From: Henri Gomez

Hi to all,

Just see that Struts is becaming a top level project, like ant last year.

What's your opinions on moving Tomcat as top level project ?


Why would we need that?

Because we don't have any leverage on the ASF decisions right now, and this is quite bad.

I agree. At least that will give us a chance to break the "consensus" of the board on stupid decisions and on their attitude of never consulting with the people who are affected by their decisions.

As TLP we can recomend a chair ( of course, legally the board can nominate whoever they want - and the chair has almost complete autority over the project, the PMC has just an advisory role legally - but so far the common practice was that the board only "hints" who they don't want as chair and most chairs do have the common sense to not exercise the rights they have ).

So +1 for tomcat as TLP, and Remy as PMC chair.

If we are not recignised already as a valuable part of ASF, why all the

Because we don't have the said recognition.

I think we have plenty of recognition. Maybe not by ASF itself.

Trust me - the recognition won't change if we are a TLP.


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