I've just produce a non-Windows version of the DSAPI (Lotus Domino) connector and I had a bit of a struggle getting the initialisation code right because of co-dependencies between workerEnv and logger.file. It seems that logger.file needs workerEnv to exist for it to initialise itself but the workerEnv initialisation code expects a logger to exist.

I've ended up with workerEnv initialisation logging to an uninitialised file logger which results in log output being sent to stdout. Not terribly satisfactory but it allows the connector to load.

jk_logger_file.c can easily be doctored to remove the dependency on workerEnv but it would then lose the ability to expand named properties in the passed in filename (like: "${serverRoot}/logs/jk2.log").

Any thoughts on the nicest way to fix it? I don't mind implementing a fix but I don't want to make unpalatable changes to the common jk2 code.

Andy Armstrong, Tagish

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