Sorry, I should have said mod_alias, not mod_dir...

Jess Holle

Jess Holle wrote:

mod_jk2 2.0.4 seems to have the same issues that several mod_jk 1.2.x releases had with mod_dir.

Specifically something like:

   Alias /MyWebApp "D:\my_app_view\Myapp/codebase"
   <Directory "D:\my_app_view\Myapp/codebase">
      Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
   <Directory "D:\my_app_view\Myapp/codebase/WEB-INF">
      AllowOverride None
      deny from all

   <IfModule mod_jk2.c>
     <Location "/MyWebApp/servlet/*">
       JkUriSet worker ajp13:wtJk2Worker

Does not successfully map /MyWebApp/servlet/* to MyWebApp's servlets. Rather I get 404's.

Once I comment out the Alias and Directory lines, the JkUriSet directive works as expected (but the overall app does not work properly, of course).

This worked fine with mod_jk2 2.0.2. This sort of configuration is *very* helpful in that it allows configuration of additional web apps by Including one conf file per web app and containing everything necessary for that web app for both mod_jk and mod_jk2 -- thus allowing the LoadModule line to determine everything and keeping web app configurations nicely separated.

A fix (patch now, 2.0.5 later?) for this would be greatly appreciated as there are important fixes and enhancements in mod_jk2 2.0.4. Without this working, however, 2.0.4 is a non-starter for me.

Jess Holle

P.S. I can certainly give more details, file a bugzilla bug, etc, as necessary. I just got back from vacation, tried out mod_jk2 2.0.4 and wanted to get the ball rolling on this issue before I trudged through my e-mail backlog.

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