At 10:36 PM 29/03/2004, you wrote:
Henri Gomez wrote:

Steve Spicer wrote:

On standard install it doesn't. I'm not sure why but it still seems the JK connector is connecting to tomcat even though the access checker hook is returning a 403.

Any ideas?

I will make some tests on it.

I make some tests and I didn't see such problems.

The first request to http://mymachine/examples/ were
forwarded to tomcat, but the rest was forbideen (403)
by mod_dosevasive.

I used provided in mod_dosevasise.

Same thing with ab (ApacheBench).

So what's your problem ?

Although I get 403 status it still seems to be spawning lots of HTTPD's and tomcat takes cpu time, surely if the 403 worked the extra HTTPD would not spwan and tomcat would be unaffected?

Im beginning to think I have some config issues, I'll check them all out and get back if theres still an issue.

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