Mladen Turk wrote:
It seems to me that the 6.0 is quite different then 5.x, and IMO it would be
great if someone could confirm that (either it works or not on 6.x).

I've asked the active users. One of them is planning to migrate their Domino 6 installation to the latest redirector next month so we'll know for sure then. They're currently using a very old version of the redirector successfully with Domino 6 which implies that the new one will work too.

How about making a binary release?

I've been tending to make the binary releases here:

which seems to suit the people who use it. I have to confess I haven't
bothered to find out where on the would be the
appropriate place for a binary release or what might be involved. Anyone?

Well, you are a committer, just sign the binaries and upload them to the Jakarta site.

You make it sound so easy :)

It'll probably be Monday before I get to look at it but I'll give it a go then.

Andy Armstrong, Tagish

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