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Henri Gomez wrote:

- mod_proxy + proxy_ajp could be one solution.

Now what about the mod_proxy load-balancing add-on ?

Would be a completely separate module.

The way proxy works, is that it:

- obtains the IP address to connect to (currently via DNS round robin, but a module proxy_loadbalancer might make a more intelligent choice of IP address)

- opens a connection to that address (unless a connection is already open due to keepalive behaviour, in which case just use that)

- pass control to the backend protocol handler (proxy_http, or proxy_ftp, or proxy_ajp)

Load balancing would happen at step one. Such a module would need a way to decide load (in the simplest case, by spreading load, in a more complex case, by actually asking the backend servers for the loads so to make a more intelligent decision). Such a module need not work with tomcat only, but with any backend, and any protocol.


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