Remy Maucherat wrote:
Rainer Jung wrote:

Am I right, that by design TC 5 only fully supports one Coyote JK pool at the moment?

I enabled JMX HTTP adaptor via mx.enabled=true. Obviously org.apache.jk.common.JkMX tries to initialize the JMX HTTP adaptor not only once, but for every Coyote JK pool configured in server.xml. For the second pool I get an exception when starting tomcat (see below).

When trying to stop TC, the Coyote HTTP pool is shut down correctly, and one of the two JK pools doesn't listen any more, but the second JK pool still listens and TC does not shut down. Retrying shutdown does not help, the process is still alive.

Any plans (or work already done) to refactor JkMain/JkMX for

Yes: use JDK 1.5 JMX instead of this code.

Are we going to switch to JDK1.5 ???

I missed this one.


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