Henri Gomez wrote:
> > 
> > 1. We don't need ajp_env_t (use the pool directly) 2. We don't need 
> > ajp_idef and ajp_ilink (use the sockets directly)
> well ajp_ilink_t make provision for more than TCP/IP socket, 
> we could at later time unix socket :)

If someone will ever crate a unix socket support, then we'll write another
transport layer that will eventualy cast the apr_socket_t to some other
Othervise we are back on jk/jk2. Lets make that simple so one can easily
rewite the functionality for other thansport layers rather to abstact in
> Also we could add here some statistics, ie number of requests 
> handled on such link. It's just a simple abstraction level.

There is no need for that, at least I cannot see it. The stats are
maintained on worker level not for each particual socket.
The socket itself will be acompanied with conn_rec that will hold all the
rest params.
So where you have a socket, use the conn_rec too. We can later obtain both
of them either from proxy_conn_rec struct or any other, but the api will
remain untact.


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