Jeanfrancois Arcand wrote:

Shapira, Yoav wrote:

I have a couple of only-slightly-related comments, but related
nonetheless so I'll put them here.

Re: endorsed directories.  Do we still want to support JDK 1.3 in Tomcat
5.1?  Since we're gearing up for JDK 1.5, we might want to make 1.4 the
minimum.  I'm +0.5 on this.

First, endorsed directories are _not_ for 1.3, but for 1.4 ( to override the build-in parser and the check they do on load ).
1.3 works fine with just having the parser in classpath, or in /jre/lib/ext, and it's quite simple to add code to the loader to add the parser packages only if 1.3 is detected.

Except if you turn validation on, which will not works since XML schema is not supported in Crimson or early version of Xerces (remember the nightmare....)

Yes, schema validation on JDK1.4 is lost because the parser doesn't support it well enough.

I think it may be better to just check if the parser supports schema validation, and if not just display a warning that schema validation is disabled on parser that don't support it. It's easy to detect what version of xerces or if crimson is used.

Fact is a lot of parsers don't support schema validation, and it is better to allow tomcat to work with any parser than try to force a specific version of parser.

Well, the right solution is to just remove the option to turn schema validation on at startup - it is a huge waste of time at startup, it should be done only at deploy time by deploy tools :-)

I'm using JDK1.3 most of the time, and I think a lot of other people and companies are still using it. I don't mind having the default distribution built for 1.4+ ( no xerces ), with instructions on how to get the additional jars for 1.3. But I think it would be very bad to not be able to run in 1.3 - and I don't see any good reason to justify forcing the users to upgrade.

One question we should explore is do we really wants to have a dependencies on Xerces? Like you already said, a pull parser might be better, smaller and more stable than having to rely on Xerces. Not sure if pull parser supports schema yet...

+1 of dropping Xerces ;-)

I don't think many pull parsers support schema, they are supposed to be faster and simpler :-)

It's not about dropping xerces - we will still use the xerces inside jdk1.4 and jdk1.5 - we just shouldn't force a specific version and take all the pain for endorsed.dir - but let the user use whatever Jaxp parser he wants and disable schema validation if the parser doesn't support it.


-- Jeanfrancois

them. I prefer the latter approach, also because of the multi-user use
case: if a single Tomcat installation (CATALINA_HOME) is used by
multiple users (each having their own CATALINA_BASE), then the former
approach does not work if each user has a different version of the JDK.

How about stopping support for that scenario?  I mean drop the
CATALINA_BASE versus CATALINA_HOME feature, (or set them to always equal
each other, if we want to leave them in the code base), and don't allow
users to share installations except by the user home directory valve.
The disk space benefits aren't worth it.  The central administration
benefits might be, but I wonder how many people use this.  Maybe an
informal survey on the user list is worth doing?

How about the other way around - stop support for the combined tomcat, and default to multi-user ( or multi-config ).

I would be very happy to see the server layout change to support multiple configurations.

Something like:

/lib - with manifest/properties file used to select what goes to common, server, shared :-)

With conf/ and webapps/ under each server.


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