+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Bugzilla Bug ID | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | Status: UNC=Unconfirmed NEW=New ASS=Assigned | | | OPN=Reopened VER=Verified (Skipped Closed/Resolved) | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | Severity: BLK=Blocker CRI=Critical MAJ=Major | | | | MIN=Minor NOR=Normal ENH=Enhancement | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | Date Posted | | | | | +--------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | Description | | | | | | | | 3614|Opn|Nor|2001-09-14|bug in manager webapp | | 3839|Opn|Maj|2001-09-26|Problem bookmarking login page | | 3888|Opn|Blk|2001-09-30|WebappClassLoader: Lifecycle error : CL stopped | | 4138|Opn|Nor|2001-10-12|Processor threads have inconsistent ClassLoader st| | 4352|Ass|Nor|2001-10-22|JDBCRealm does not work with CLIENT-CERT auth-meth| | 4663|Opn|Maj|2001-11-05|Broken Pipe under some load | | 5329|New|Nor|2001-12-08|NT Service exits startup before Tomcat is finished| | 5795|New|Enh|2002-01-10|Catalina Shutdown relies on localhost causing prob| | 5829|New|Enh|2002-01-13|StandardManager needs to cope with sessions throwi| | 5985|New|Enh|2002-01-23|Tomcat should perform a more restrictive validatio| | 6229|New|Enh|2002-02-04|Need way to specify where to write catalina.out | | 6582|New|Min|2002-02-20|Sample code does not match behavior | | 6600|Opn|Enh|2002-02-20|enodeURL adds 'jsession' when 'isRequestedSessionI| | 6614|New|Enh|2002-02-21|Have Bootstrap and StandardClassLoader use the sam| | 6671|New|Enh|2002-02-25|Simple custom tag example uses old declaration sty| | 7043|New|Enh|2002-03-12|database user and password for JDBC Based Store | | 7360|New|Nor|2002-03-22|res-sharing-scope not supported | | 7374|New|Enh|2002-03-22|Apache Tomcat/4.0.1 message on standard output | | 7676|New|Enh|2002-04-02|Allow name property to use match experssions in <h| | 7723|New|Enh|2002-04-03|[patch] additional factory for org.apache.naming.f| | 7831|New|Nor|2002-04-08|[PATCH] JNDIRealm does not work with CLIENT-CERT a| | 7880|Ver|Cri|2002-04-09|If a TLV flags flags an error during the translati| | 8026|New|Enh|2002-04-12|Exceptions in StandardHostDeployer.addChild are lo| | 8275|Ver|Min|2002-04-18|ContextConfig.start() attempts to create a $CATALI| | 8323|New|Enh|2002-04-20|No support for running the 64 bit JVM | | 8343|New|Enh|2002-04-21|adding a "absorber" logger class to "org.apache.ca| | 8441|New|Enh|2002-04-23|Command line files for NetWare | | 8541|New|Nor|2002-04-26|IIS redirector URL-encodes cookie values | | 8705|New|Enh|2002-05-01|SessionListener should extend EventListener | | 8744|New|Enh|2002-05-02|No way to configure/extend runtime classloaders. | | 8776|New|Enh|2002-05-03|The session url encoding under somce circumstances| | 9027|New|Cri|2002-05-13|The Tomcat Servlet Container use the identity spec| | 9050|Ver|Nor|2002-05-13|GET Query Parameters Require an Equal Sign | | 9227|New|Enh|2002-05-19|Allow an empty value of a pathname in the Standard| | 9456|New|Enh|2002-05-28|Problem saving server.xml file: invalid XML markup| | 9511|New|Enh|2002-05-30|Object instantiation optimization in StandardSessi| | 9629|New|Enh|2002-06-05|Fix ServletContext.getResourcePaths to match spec | | 9745|New|Enh|2002-06-10|extern cache mgt bug for conditionally dynamic pag| | 9852|New|Enh|2002-06-13|Odd Digest and Realm Behaviour | | 9856|New|Enh|2002-06-14|sendError(404) fails after getOutputStream() is ca| |10021|New|Enh|2002-06-19|Include upgrade option in installer | |10026|Opn|Nor|2002-06-19|manager/stop and manager/remove | |10060|New|Enh|2002-06-20|Make the common and shared class loaders look in c| |10120|New|Enh|2002-06-21|Custom realm and shared instalation. | |10225|New|Enh|2002-06-25|ANT Tasks Error Situation | |10335|New|Enh|2002-06-28|[RFE,patch] Make JAASRealm more flexible | |10385|Opn|Nor|2002-07-01|SSI-Servlet produces invalid character encoding in| |10457|New|Enh|2002-07-03|Patch submission for DefaultServlet/WebdavServlet | |10526|New|Enh|2002-07-06|Authenticators do not always cache the Principal | |10541|New|Nor|2002-07-08|Content-length header should be automatically set | |10565|Opn|Enh|2002-07-08|shutdown hook problem: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundE| |10671|Opn|Nor|2002-07-11|Major issues with jsp:param in jsp:include and jsp| |10691|New|Enh|2002-07-11|staring tomcat gives indication that tomcat is sta| |10699|New|Enh|2002-07-11|Apache SOAP 2.3 will not operate properly | |10948|New|Nor|2002-07-18|JNDI lookup in servlet init fails | |10972|New|Enh|2002-07-19|<Realm> without className in server.xml produces N| |10982|New|Min|2002-07-19|JNDI URL Handler class is missing in naming-resour| |11069|Opn|Enh|2002-07-23|Tomcat not flag error if tld is outside of /WEB-IN| |11129|New|Enh|2002-07-24|New valve for putting the sessionIDs in the reques| |11248|New|Enh|2002-07-29|DefaultServlet doesn't send expires header | |11489|New|Enh|2002-08-06|Scanning JAR files in WEB-INF/lib without temp dir| |11645|New|Nor|2002-08-13|RequestStream and HttpRequestStream throw an IOExc| |11662|New|Maj|2002-08-13|GlobalResources unavailable in DefaultContext | |11679|New|Min|2002-08-14|"anonymous bind failed" exceptions occur if connec| |11754|Opn|Enh|2002-08-15|Synchronous shutdown script - shutdown.sh should w| |12069|New|Enh|2002-08-27|Creation of more HttpSession objects for one previ| |12658|New|Enh|2002-09-15|a proxy host and port at the <Host> element level | |12682|Unc|Nor|2002-09-16|Problem when recompiling servlets with JDBC connec| |12766|New|Enh|2002-09-18|Tomcat should use tld files in /WEB-INF/ over vers| |12946|Unc|Nor|2002-09-24|parameter serverRoot from jk2.properties not read;| |13014|New|Blk|2002-09-26|OS/390/USS - Invalid <url-pattern> in servlet ma| |13040|New|Nor|2002-09-26|can't retrieve external context who's uri is a sub| |13240|New|Nor|2002-10-03|CGI works only with Java version 1.3+ | |13309|Opn|Enh|2002-10-04|Catalina calls System.exit() | |13331|New|Nor|2002-10-05|Class loader attempts to open directory as file | |13430|New|Nor|2002-10-09|WWW-Authenticate Header Is Not Sent | |13606|Opn|Nor|2002-10-14|Compiler not thread safe | |13634|New|Enh|2002-10-15|Allowing system properties to be substituted in co| |13689|Opn|Enh|2002-10-16|Classloader paths for 'Common' classes and librari| |13731|New|Enh|2002-10-17|Final request, response, session and other variabl| |13846|New|Nor|2002-10-22|If-Modified-Since results in incorrect headers | |13941|New|Enh|2002-10-24|reload is VERY slow | |13956|New|Nor|2002-10-24|XSI Namespace Declaration Causing JSP Compile Erro| |13965|New|Enh|2002-10-25|Catalina.sh correction request for Tru64 Unix | |13983|New|Nor|2002-10-25|RMI call from Web Application throws SocketExcepti| |14091|New|Maj|2002-10-30|jsp:setProperty("*") directive fails whe used with| |14097|New|Enh|2002-10-30|hardcoded registry value for vm lets tomcat servic| |14133|New|Nor|2002-10-31|tomcat4 init.d stop command fails process check | |14323|Unc|Nor|2002-11-07|Form Based Authentication Not Triggered By Coyote | |14416|New|Enh|2002-11-10|blank tag name in TLD cause NullPointerException | |14635|New|Enh|2002-11-18|Should be possible not to have YYYY-MM-DD in log f| |14766|New|Enh|2002-11-22|Redirect Vavle | |14993|New|Enh|2002-12-02|Possible obselete synchronized declaration | |15066|New|Nor|2002-12-04|reuse of variables | |15083|New|Nor|2002-12-04|App Deployed by manager can't find properties file| |15115|New|Enh|2002-12-05|correct docs... XML parser *cannot* be overridden | |15293|New|Nor|2002-12-11|ClassCastException when using Coyote connector wit| |15314|New|Min|2002-12-12|Apache realm treated differently on Win32 and *NIX| |15417|Opn|Enh|2002-12-16|Add port for forced compilation of JSP pages | |15484|Opn|Nor|2002-12-18|Can't delete application files after Manager Webap| |15570|New|Nor|2002-12-20|incorrect role-name mapping for "*" with respect t| |15682|New|Cri|2002-12-27|Java downward comaptibilty gives method signature | |15688|New|Enh|2002-12-27|full-qualified names instead of imports | |15893|New|Enh|2003-01-08|Need a getPort() method on Connector or similar fu| |15941|New|Enh|2003-01-10|Expose rootCause exceptions at deeper levels | |15946|New|Nor|2003-01-10|Documentation change | |16102|New|Maj|2003-01-15|The method HttpServlet.getLastModified() can't be | |16114|New|Blk|2003-01-15|autoFlush on jsp is not DONE. | |16116|New|Nor|2003-01-15|ResourceLink does not work within DefaultContext | |16185|New|Nor|2003-01-16|UserDatabase is not bound in this context | |16205|New|Maj|2003-01-17|org.apache.naming.factory.BeanFactory bugs | |16254|New|Nor|2003-01-20|invalid response header | |16274|New|Nor|2003-01-20|JAASRealm breaks catalina classloader under JDK 1.| |16290|New|Nor|2003-01-21|Unresolved entities in included JSP file | |16294|New|Enh|2003-01-21|Configurable URL Decoding. | |16319|Opn|Cri|2003-01-22|RequestDispatcher.include in a customTag causes Il| |16357|New|Enh|2003-01-23|"connection timeout reached" | |16531|New|Enh|2003-01-29|Updating already deployed ".war" files in a single| |16579|New|Enh|2003-01-30|documentation page layout/style breaks wrapping to| |16596|New|Enh|2003-01-30|option for disabling log rotation | |16822|New|Nor|2003-02-05|StandardSession.setId() found incohesive | |16901|Opn|Nor|2003-02-08|[PATCH] mod_jk2 wrong server port when using NAT | |16974|Opn|Cri|2003-02-11|JNI broken in jk2 - due to jk2_channel_jni_open() | |17051|Opn|Maj|2003-02-13|LogerFactory NullPointerException/ClassNotFoundExc| |17070|New|Enh|2003-02-14|The Catalina Ant tasks do not allow for 'reusable'| |17146|New|Enh|2003-02-18|Simplify build.xml using <property environment="en| |17178|New|Nor|2003-02-18|if user-agent sends cookies that add up more than | |17316|Unc|Nor|2003-02-23|taglib always returns null in first reocrd with pa| |17342|New|Maj|2003-02-24|Tomcat JK2 connection refreshes causes Apache to r| |17405|New|Nor|2003-02-25|JSP Classpath | |17446|New|Enh|2003-02-26|Jasper should optionally log compilations when the| |17517|New|Blk|2003-02-28|Embedded Catalina does not use context classloader| |17557|New|Nor|2003-03-01|Symbolic link fails after reload with manager app| |17572|New|Enh|2003-03-02|Tomcat manager Ant tasks should support "failonerr| |17694|New|Enh|2003-03-05|Improved javadoc and import cleanup in o.a.catalin| |17822|New|Enh|2003-03-10|Jars on [WEBAPLICATION]/WEB-INF/lib are sended twi| |17892|New|Maj|2003-03-11|contextDestroyed not given time and finalizers not| |17970|New|Nor|2003-03-13|Webapp contexts deployed twice when multi-level co| |17972|New|Enh|2003-03-13|Admin webapp should save info to auto-deployed web| |18342|New|Nor|2003-03-25|socketExceptions in 4.1.24 | |18462|New|Enh|2003-03-28|System.err gets overriden to output to System.out | |18472|Opn|Maj|2003-03-28|mod_jk2 doesn't handle vhosts correctly when using| |18477|New|Nor|2003-03-28|JspC: unable to precompile linked jsp files | |18500|New|Enh|2003-03-30|Host aliases to match by regular expression (trivi| |18582|Ass|Nor|2003-04-01|"jk_endpoint.c (90)]: workerEnv.init() create slot| |18680|Opn|Enh|2003-04-04|On Japanese OS, corruption of japanese text. | |18797|New|Enh|2003-04-08|MemoryUserRule doesn't validate user attributes | |19005|New|Enh|2003-04-14|Add "setIsPoolingEnabled()" method to org.apache.j| |19011|New|Enh|2003-04-14|Java startup params | |19044|New|Nor|2003-04-15|Can't find child xxxx in scoreboard | |19255|New|Nor|2003-04-23|connectors/jk/build.properties does not accept rel| |19319|New|Enh|2003-04-25|Always copy Jar-files during setup | |19428|New|Enh|2003-04-29|FileLogger - auto create new log file after being | |19444|New|Enh|2003-04-29|JNDI Authentication roles must be anonymous access| |19491|New|Maj|2003-04-30|Jasper pooling option creates invalid java file | |19701|Opn|Maj|2003-05-06|array of custom class cannot be serialized in sess| |19767|New|Nor|2003-05-08|Digest authentication doesn't work with JDBCRealm | |19778|New|Maj|2003-05-08|utf-8-encoded source gets mangled in xml-mode | |19824|Ver|Nor|2003-05-10|symbolic links not followed when looking for servl| |19908|Opn|Nor|2003-05-14|cannot re-enable lb worker after disable, lb_value| |19917|New|Nor|2003-05-14|Using AF_UNIX socket with Tomcat 4.1.24, Apache 2.| |19965|New|Nor|2003-05-15|mod_jk2 connection fails, "workerEnv.init() create| |20300|New|Nor|2003-05-28|HttpServletRequest getRemoteUser() does not return| |20374|New|Enh|2003-05-30|add way to put additional directories in shared cl| |20380|Opn|Nor|2003-05-31|AccessLogValve incorrectly calculates timezone | |20405|New|Enh|2003-06-02|"Unterminated tag"-error: say which one | |20517|New|Enh|2003-06-05|Adding recursive find for library references | |20608|New|Enh|2003-06-09|context.xml not bound from WAR file | |20638|New|Cri|2003-06-10|Jun 10, 2003 5:14:47 AM org.apache.jk.common.Chann| |20689|New|Nor|2003-06-11|mod_jk2, the /jkstatus page, and apache::worker | |20713|New|Enh|2003-06-12|SingleSignOnEntry visibility | |20752|New|Nor|2003-06-13|Soft links to jars in a webapp causes IllegalArgum| |20758|New|Nor|2003-06-13|Memory Leak in Classloader/Manager deploy/undeploy| |20907|New|Enh|2003-06-19|user is left with no message if an error occurs ea| |21129|New|Nor|2003-06-26|Error message : "The Parameter is incorrect" when | |21146|New|Nor|2003-06-27|Request variables from Apache are not available in| |21157|Opn|Enh|2003-06-27|CookieExample is setting cookie after writing data| |21220|New|Enh|2003-07-01|java.util.zip.ZipException on Tomcat boot is less | |21283|New|Enh|2003-07-02|[PATCH] check for null inputstream before parsing | |21440|New|Min|2003-07-09|<jsp:include> whose target performs a 'forward' do| |21482|New|Nor|2003-07-10|jikes cannot compile JSP page importing anything f| |21669|New|Enh|2003-07-16|JNDIRealm roleBase pattern enahncement | |21717|New|Nor|2003-07-18|BodyContent backing stream | |21766|New|Nor|2003-07-21|mod_jk2 URL mount problem in recent versions | |21774|New|Maj|2003-07-21|BootStrap does not stop | |21802|New|Maj|2003-07-22|Tomcat 4.1.x not working under JDK 1.2.2 | |21804|New|Nor|2003-07-22|Tomcat ignores "allowLinking" resource on DefaultC| |21818|New|Nor|2003-07-23|Tomcat forgets "allowLinking=true" setting when re| |21847|New|Maj|2003-07-24|Integer like attributes make Tomcat search a (I)V | |21887|New|Min|2003-07-25|Incorrect taglib.tld error message in catalina.log| |21939|New|Min|2003-07-28|Coyote JK 2 outputs request parameters | |21956|New|Nor|2003-07-29|org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteConnector cannot r| |21967|New|Nor|2003-07-29|Custom tags defining scripting variables but not a| |21983|New|Min|2003-07-30|Coyote JK2 connector ignores Accept count property| |22013|Opn|Nor|2003-07-31|RequestDispatcher.forward doesn't work with a rela| |22041|New|Nor|2003-08-01|Loading DynamicProxys from session | |22045|New|Nor|2003-08-01|Virtual host mappings in mod_jk2 (related to bug 1| |22113|New|Enh|2003-08-04|Improvable Exception Message "Cannot create resour| |22114|New|Nor|2003-08-04|mod_jk2: wrong load balancing group assigned | |22130|New|Cri|2003-08-05|Tomcat VM not shutdown successfull as jk2 JMX hand| |22278|New|Enh|2003-08-10|[PATCH] Include RemoteAddrValve in manager.xml | |22293|New|Cri|2003-08-11|JSPC class name doesn't match Jasper | |22397|New|Nor|2003-08-13|Compiler warnings | |22405|New|Enh|2003-08-14|warn if not deploy with umask "0077" or if deploye| |22410|New|Cri|2003-08-14|network level bug? | |22432|New|Nor|2003-08-14|Tomcat waits, then times out when shut down | |22502|New|Nor|2003-08-18|Jasper can't parse a XML format JSP file encoding | |22617|New|Maj|2003-08-21|BASIC authentication fails if Realm supports defau| |22755|New|Enh|2003-08-27|say which variable is at fault! ("Cannot compare n| |22802|New|Cri|2003-08-28|mappedfile option not working | |22806|Ver|Maj|2003-08-28|Link to Tomcat Administration | |22869|New|Maj|2003-09-02|under liveDeploy a webapp may throw an exception o| |22913|New|Cri|2003-09-03|Using jndi to get a DBCP BasicDataSource gives a| |22948|New|Enh|2003-09-05|jndi realm w/o connectionname, connectionpassword | |22965|New|Enh|2003-09-07|[PATCH] Tidy up conf/web.xml | |23105|New|Nor|2003-09-11|JkMount overrides Alias | |23180|New|Cri|2003-09-15|Deadlock in classloader while loading JSSE | |23277|New|Nor|2003-09-19|webDAV doesn't install when examples are deselecte| |23311|New|Cri|2003-09-21|Connections to tomcat left in CLOSE_WAIT | |23325|New|Nor|2003-09-22|displaying data source for a context resource resu| |23406|Unc|Nor|2003-09-25|<jsp:include> shows partial output after the inclu| |23425|New|Nor|2003-09-25|Invalid scoping of variables exported from TEI cla| |23698|New|Enh|2003-10-09|command line option to specify the encoding of gen| |23745|Opn|Enh|2003-10-11|"jsp.error.unterminated.tag" received when doing s| |23763|New|Enh|2003-10-13|This bugzilla: create a "Documentation" or "websit| |23810|New|Cri|2003-10-14|thread locked on org.apache.jk.common.ChannelSocke| |23811|New|Maj|2003-10-14|Erratic "The servlet container is temporary unavai| |23841|New|Enh|2003-10-15|More specific error message to "org.apache.jasper.| |23852|New|Maj|2003-10-16|soft link at Tomcat 4.1.27 does not work | |23898|New|Nor|2003-10-17|Tag doesn't get reused by the TagPool if the tag r| |23950|New|Nor|2003-10-20|[PATCH] Context.listBindings(...) broken? | |23994|Ver|Nor|2003-10-22|autoDeploy="false" seems not to work | |24151|New|Cri|2003-10-27|JSP page relative to DocumentRoot as Directory Ind| |24174|Unc|Enh|2003-10-28|[PACTH]/home/cvspublic/jakarta-tomcat-4.0/catalina| |24179|New|Enh|2003-10-28|Including CATALINA_BASE in the catalina and common| |24380|New|Nor|2003-11-04|Tomcat cannot support file download with non-ISO c| |24427|New|Enh|2003-11-05|Tomcat mod_jk - Excludes in Redirection | |24455|New|Enh|2003-11-06|allow to override 'cookies="false"' on a per user/| |24538|New|Nor|2003-11-09|JasperException: "file.jsp(x,y) equal symbol expec| |24586|New|Blk|2003-11-10|Compilation error when exposing an Inner class | |24650|New|Enh|2003-11-12|name class of bean when throwing java.lang.NoSuchM| |24739|New|Enh|2003-11-17|Control of secure flag when establishing sessions | |24772|New|Enh|2003-11-18|say where in the .jsp file it happens: "Cannot fin| |24773|New|Enh|2003-11-18|say which scope is null in "Cannot find bean xyz i| |24861|New|Maj|2003-11-20|Root cause stack trace not shown for exceptions in| |25055|New|Nor|2003-11-27|bypass of apache authentication | |25060|New|Nor|2003-11-27|Reloading context orphans currently open jndi data| |25095|New|Nor|2003-11-30|The code generated by <jsp:plugin> is not suitable| |25148|New|Enh|2003-12-02|JDBCRealm should get the user name from database a| |25196|New|Enh|2003-12-04|jspc.bat should support precompiling jsp files loc| |25250|New|Nor|2003-12-05|JavaBean named Component cannot be used in JSP | |25273|New|Nor|2003-12-07|Exception processing TLD at resource path - say wh| |25338|New|Maj|2003-12-08|URI Rewrite does not function according to Servlet| |25354|New|Nor|2003-12-09|Problem with servlet 2.3, filters servlet or jsp !| |25367|New|Maj|2003-12-09|SECURITY requests for jsp pages bypass apache Auth| |25491|New|Cri|2003-12-12|Tomcat spawns open PIPEs whenever compiling a page| |25508|New|Min|2003-12-14|JNDI Does Not Set Up "comp" namespace | |25738|New|Enh|2003-12-23|org.apache.jasper.JspC has no command switch to di| |25750|New|Nor|2003-12-24|Cannot find server Errors | |25835|New|Nor|2003-12-31|Synchronization problem with RequestFilterValve | |25899|New|Nor|2004-01-05|Encoding bug in Jasper compiler when using <%@ inc| |25919|Unc|Cri|2004-01-06|java.net.SocketException: socket closed | |26003|New|Nor|2004-01-08|Missing workers.properties and bug in the example | |26006|New|Enh|2004-01-08|Friendlier error message for "Illegal target of ju| |26338|New|Enh|2004-01-22|Service terminates with the message "not a valid a| |26363|New|Enh|2004-01-22|JSP Compiler does not recognize unbalanced Struts | |26400|New|Nor|2004-01-24|JspC.java produces invalid package names | |26436|New|Nor|2004-01-26|Jasper generates code weak against exception in do| |26494|New|Enh|2004-01-28|JDBCRealm and DataSourceRealm with case insensitiv| |26541|New|Nor|2004-01-29|Empty request parameters are stripped as the reque| |26558|New|Nor|2004-01-30|Misleading error message from setclasspath.sh if J| |26681|New|Nor|2004-02-05|Wrong invoking ServletContextListener's methods | |26701|New|Enh|2004-02-05|Enabling web applications to register their own st| |26879|New|Nor|2004-02-12|java.net.MalformedURLException: java.lang.NullPoin| |26969|New|Nor|2004-02-16|Context/Resources/allowLinking ignored in webapps/| |26977|New|Maj|2004-02-16|Request received is corrupt (SOMETIMES) | |27091|Opn|Enh|2004-02-19|path attribute must not be required in ant task in| |27093|Ver|Nor|2004-02-19|Server sent "Connection: close" to client for no r| |27128|New|Maj|2004-02-21|restoreState method of FormAuthenticator never get| |27143|New|Enh|2004-02-22|provide a "low in memory" concept | |27158|New|Nor|2004-02-23|mail/Session ressource parameter not taken into ac| |27603|New|Min|2004-03-11|Resource params lacks nested params feature | |27667|New|Maj|2004-03-15|Multithreading bug in jk2 connector | |27723|New|Maj|2004-03-16|jk_logger_file.c fails to build on Alpha. jk2_logg| |27796|New|Blk|2004-03-19|apache2/mod_jk/tomcat4 - downloading files with sp| |27806|New|Nor|2004-03-19|JspC creates blank files on failure | |27851|New|Nor|2004-03-22|two independent workers with mod_jk2 handled as on| |27884|Opn|Maj|2004-03-24|mod_jk2 making multiple requests when client cance| |27902|New|Cri|2004-03-24|Tomcat webapps on a Network Drive | |27988|New|Enh|2004-03-26|Unhelpful FileNotFoundException raised | |28168|New|Enh|2004-04-02|patch to add webdoclet tags to jspc output | |28192|New|Enh|2004-04-04|DataSourceRealm not reusable | |28222|New|Nor|2004-04-06|getRequestURL() in forwarded jsp/servlet doesn't r| |28289|New|Cri|2004-04-08|lb_factor works backwards from the way it is imple| |28305|New|Nor|2004-04-09|Unable to specify an output file for redirection o| |28378|New|Enh|2004-04-14|better error message upon "No selector attribute (| |28532|New|Nor|2004-04-22|ajp13.service() ajpGetReply recoverable error 3 | |28756|New|Enh|2004-05-04|Cannot filter requests when running behind a front| |28780|New|Enh|2004-05-05|Need non-secure JSESSIONID cookies | |28790|New|Maj|2004-05-05|"connection reset by peer" and "ajp13.service() aj| |28823|New|Nor|2004-05-07|[mod_jk2] Alias Apache2 directive and JkUriSet don| |28830|New|Nor|2004-05-07|ManagerServlet is broken for war upload (deploy) | |28835|New|Nor|2004-05-07|The classpath for jsp compilation includes the jar| |28845|New|Min|2004-05-08|Race condition during deployment if liveDeploy = t| |28849|New|Min|2004-05-08|LocalStrings_fr.properties are sometimes incorrect| |28851|New|Min|2004-05-08|Undeploy command does not work in ManagerServlet | |28852|New|Enh|2004-05-08|failonerror attribute on Ant tasks | |28853|New|Enh|2004-05-08|Make Ant tasks declaration easier | |28857|New|Min|2004-05-09|SSLServerSocketFactory needs earlier security prov| |28867|New|Min|2004-05-10|Documentation mentions zero-length string for root| |28871|New|Nor|2004-05-10|StandardHostDeployer throws a NPE when removing a | |28904|New|Nor|2004-05-11|Multipart form problem lost when request is passed| |28991|New|Nor|2004-05-14|webxml/webinc generation in jspc ant task ignores | |29141|New|Enh|2004-05-21|JNDI Datasource HOW-TO server.xml config example d| |29180|Opn|Nor|2004-05-24|Tag attributes with array type don't work | |29214|New|Nor|2004-05-25|response containsHeader("Content-Type") not workin| |29255|Opn|Maj|2004-05-27|naming-factory.jar missing mail factories. | |29301|New|Cri|2004-05-30|URL starting with the name of a context not routed| |29335|New|Nor|2004-06-02|Tomcat is not showing I18N on TagInfo errors | |29337|New|Nor|2004-06-02|Reload destroys classpath | |29386|New|Nor|2004-06-04|pageEncoding attribute is ignored under certain co| |29483|New|Min|2004-06-09|Connector index / overview page update | |29558|Opn|Cri|2004-06-14|JK2 blocks access to WEB-INF | |29570|New|Blk|2004-06-15|JSP don't compile because of: Error creating tempo| |29682|New|Maj|2004-06-18|passing a string value to jsp:setProperty | |29745|New|Nor|2004-06-22|cookies overwrite url session encoding | |29777|Opn|Nor|2004-06-24|HttpServletRequest#getParameterNames problem | |29899|New|Nor|2004-07-03|Tomcat server crashes while connecting to MySQL. | |29911|New|Cri|2004-07-04|build fails with "unable to infer tagged configura| |30045|New|Nor|2004-07-12|NullPointerException in CoyoteRequestFacade | |30057|New|Cri|2004-07-12|CoyoteRequestFacade NullPointerException | |30063|New|Cri|2004-07-13|tomcat suddenly terminated with following messages| |30168|New|Nor|2004-07-17|warning message needed when workers2.properties no| |30225|New|Blk|2004-07-21|<resource-ref> not properly parsed | |30285|Opn|Maj|2004-07-23|Jasper fails to compile in a reloaded webapp with | |30324|New|Cri|2004-07-26|ERROR [JkCoyoteHandler] Error in action code | |30409|New|Maj|2004-07-30|Bad error message when taglib shortname is null | |30551|New|Cri|2004-08-09|New version of JK Connector(1.2.6) does not seem t| |30768|New|Maj|2004-08-20|Servlet Filter setCharacterEncoding not work and E| +-----+---+---+----------+--------------------------------------------------+ | Total 339 bugs | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
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