Hey Remy,

I have made a complete rebuild and a test. It works fine for me..
Ok, what you thing is a better name for ContextBase or you mean the refactoring is useless ?
I need this refactoring for eaiser identifiy the ContextXXX classes for my new xml saving code.


Remy Maucherat schrieb:


pero        2004/10/04 23:57:20

Modified: catalina/src/share/org/apache/catalina/deploy
ContextEjb.java ContextLocalEjb.java
ContextResource.java ContextResourceEnvRef.java
webapps/docs changelog.xml
refactor o.a.c.deploy.ContextXXX classes to use new super class ContextBase.

- I think the ContextBase name for this class is quite bad.
- Please make sure you don't break the build. This means checking when adding files that they are indeed added (and same when removing).


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