On Mon, 2004-11-01 at 13:29, Remy Maucherat wrote:
> Martin Grotzke wrote:
> >hello,
> >
> >that was only half of the story.
> >
> >what i forgot to mention:
> >the web.xml contains a listener-entry for a class, that
> >initializes log4j with a specified log4j.xml (here
> >"log4j.mescalin.xml").
> >
> >when i remove the entry for the listener in the web.xml,
> >tomcat starts without any error...
> >  
> >
> Your listener might mess up JAXP's configuration: download the 
> compatibility package which includes Xerces with the regular package names.
The Filter includes one statement:
System.setProperty( "javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory",
"org.apache.xerces.jaxp.DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl" );

the webapp contains xerces-1.4.4 in WEB-INF/lib, this jar includes

but the part that's not a tomcat-"internals" issue does not have to be
discussed here, probably the tomcat-user-list is a better place for

thanx for now,

> Rémy
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