On Nov 9, 2004, at 10:00 PM, Jess Holle wrote:

is there any hope/possibility/interest of trying to balance the number of active sessions per Tomcat instance (i.e. sending new requests to the instance with the fewest active sessions)?

We (UF, I cannot claim to represent the tomcat devs) are happy with a simple round robin distribution for new requests. We have 8 tomcat clones for simple load balancing and given enough users it all evens out. We've gutted the existing balancing code in mod_jk because it was broken and put in our own more simple algorithm that doesn't do load factors. Hopefully the balancing code back ported from the mod_proxy efforts will do the trick and we can ditch our own stuff.

Anyway, trying to be too smart in sending new requests to clones with the fewest number of sessions would probably create this weird flow where new users gravitate to the same clone as a batch of users sessions expire.

Even if that isn't the case, it's in our interests to separate new sessions between clones. Typically for us the first request a user makes after login is the most cpu/time intensive because we need lookup extended info about the user and generally setup their session.

Sandy McArthur

"He who dares not offend cannot be honest."
- Thomas Paine

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