
Well, you put it right. To some point ;)

First, I must say that mod_jk does not require APR neither it will.
So your concerns about dropping 1.3 support are not standing.
The main reason for continuing mod_jk development is the fact
that mod_jk was more stable on more platforms then jk2 was.
Adding new things to mod_jk does not mean it will be less unstable
then it is or is not already. What I'm trying to do is to port back
all the good things from jk2 like dynamic config and status, without
braking any existing platform supported.

Also, the current development version is just like said *development*.
If it's broken between two commits, it doesn't mean it will stay as
such :). AFAICS we only have one or two parameter conversion issues.

And sure, we tried various ways for connectors, that sometimes lead
to quite fuzzy directions and agreements.
As things are now standing, mod_jk will continue support for the
following servers:
apache 1.3.x, apache 2.0.x, IIS, Netscape. (Domino is down I think,
because nobody cares, thought).

Next release will have jk_status page for dynamic config and status,
as well as runtime workers.properties monitoring and reloading.
This will only allow changing of existing parameters, not creating new
workers like in jk2.
This is also the last of major design change to mod_jk that I'm willing
to port back from jk2, and after that it will be more or less frozen
from design perspective. There was a try to implement AJP14 protocol,
but IMHO mod_jk design doesn't allow us to do that.

Apache 2.1/2.2 has mod_proxy_ajp with the active development, and
surprisingly stable :).


Günter Knauf wrote:
Hi Mladen,
appologies that I couldnt closely follow the connector development in the past 
year, so I'm somewhat suprised about all the recent directions....; and cant 
really understand them; so I would greatly appreciate if you could do a 
summarize why you are currently again developing to mod_jk...

well, what I see is this:
after more than one year stagnation on the mod_jk2 connector we started again, 
made it comilable on all platforms, and improved it a lot, cleaned up the code 
cause we made APR mandatory, and did a release. Many users where happy with it, 
and a lot of new users came and saw 'hey, thats the new connector' and tried 
it; others migrated and found mod_jk2 faster over mod_jk.

Few time later you are not lucky with mod_jk2, and you just want to start 
another conenctor; and after some discussion you agreed to create mod_proy_ajp.

Then suddenly, just after mod_proy_ajp is just born - and I cant believe that 
it is only cause I couldnt follow up with development - I see that you state 
that mod_jk2 has come to its end cause of no developers and no users 

really suprised of this all I get mail from Novell asking for help since mod_jk 
is now broken.....
we have just fixed it so we could folow up with the 1.2.8 release, and you 
continue to break it ......

If I recall correctly we commonly agreed with last time's discussion that we 
stay with mod_jk _as_is_ and dont move to APR or such, and that mod_jk should 
mainly remain for our Apache 1.3.x users while Apache 2.x users should use 
mod_jk2 or also now mod_proxy_ajp - so what has changed this direction now??

Mladen, if you continue with the mod_jk development I fear that we end up the 
same as with mod_jk2: you will certainly break Apache 1.3.x support - at least 
on NetWare, and that's _very_ bad cause it's a shipping product of NetWare 6.

greets, Guenter.

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