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From: "Ivo Conde" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 15 February 2005 01:43:39 GMT
Subject: Bug and Possible Fix in JK 1.2.8 (I am not sure where/how to post this)



I have found a bug and possible fix in the latest version (1.2.8) of the JK Connector for Apache+Tomcat.


The bug:

JK “converts” user http HEAD requests made to Apache into http GET calls to Tomcat


The fix:

There seems to be in a error in jk_ajp_common.c , inside the method static int sc_for_req_method(const char *method, size_t len).

The switch statement is incorrectly returning the GET method for the HEAD case.


Here is the buggy part of the method:

 case 4:
         switch (method[0])
         case 'H':
             return (method[1] == 'E'
                     && method[2] == 'A'
                     && method[3] == 'D'
                     ? SC_M_GET : UNKNOWN_METHOD);


The fix:


 case 4:
        switch (method[0])
        case 'H':
            return (method[1] == 'E'
                    && method[2] == 'A'
                    && method[3] == 'D'
                    ? SC_M_HEAD : UNKNOWN_METHOD);  // REPLACE GET BY HEAD



The fix worked, at least for me.


The bug occurred in a Linux Red Hat Entreprise, Kernel 2.4.21-27.EL , EMT64 Processor (x86_64 GNU/Linux)


Can you please forward this email to the right place? Sorry if I’m not following the proper rules to report this, but I don’t have much time to learn about bug/patch submission methods on jakarta. I did search your bug database but did not find this bug anywhere. I hope this can be of some help anyway. This is my first contribution to the open source community since years, and  I wouldn’t sleep at night if I missed this opportunity to give something back, after having received so much from it.


Thanks and best regards,




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