Jan Luehe wrote:

Remy Maucherat wrote:

Actually, this is probably a bad idea (or at least the implementation is bad): the logger must be retrieved only when the context class loader of the application is set.

This is where I'm not following: ;-) I don't see any dependency on the context's context class loader when calling ContainerBase.getLogger(), which is implemented like this:

  logger = LogFactory.getLog(logName());

A context's context class loader is required only for loading webapp

The configuration for that logger should be doable at the webapp level (to summarize, I'd like to be able to have my logger configured using either /WEB-INF/classes/logging.properties or common/classes/logging.properties if the first one does not exist). The logging implementation gets which config it should lookup for the logger based on what the context CL is when calling getLogger. So the context CL needs to be set properly (or getLogger has to be called again).


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