Bruce, thanks for response.

I know java has problem. Tomcat is here because I would like to have tomcat with SSL (with rsa key 4096 length support).
I installed unlimited JCE strength and problem stil exist.
Can anyone confirm "does Java 1.4 support 4096 RSA key size or only 2048".

Best regards


Bruce Keats wrote:
Having looked at this issue just reciently, I believe the root cause
of the problem is fact that your version of Java 1.4.2 is the exported
restricted version from SUN. By going to JDK 1.5, you have
demonstrated that problem is not with tomcat, but with JAVA itself. Check out the section titled "How to Make Applications "Exempt" from
Cryptographic Restrictions" in "JavaTM Cryptography Extension (JCE)
Reference Guide"


On Wed, 09 Mar 2005 14:50:54 +0100, Matej Kafadar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I have allready sent this question in user mail group, but there was no
response, so I try lucky here. I would be happy if some expert or some
who allready solved this problem, give me answer or hint about this.

Repeted qouestion:

is it possible to have tomcat 4.1.x running with jdk1.4.2 and have SSL
with client authentication(client has certificate issued by CA which has
certificate with public key length of 4096 bit)?

Java 1.4 doesn't support rsa key size of 4096 (only to 2084). With
keytool you aren't able to import certificate(4096) to cacerts. I
instaled BouncyCastle provider(which support 4096 key). Only when I set
it to be default provider, I manageed to import certificate(4096) to
cacerts. TomCat doesn't work if default provider isn't SUN, so ssl
doesn't work even with smaller keys.

I solved this problem by installing jdk1.5 which doesn't have problems
with certificate(4096) and TomCat works fine.

But I really want to have jdk1.4 and certificate(4096) support.

Does anybody know how to solve this problem, or how to configure jdk1.4
to support certificate(4096)?

I'm lokking forward for any response.


Best regards


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