Hello Mladen,

I have not implement multi output mode. I have made a very straigth forward
implementation to JkStatusUpdateTask. The current implementation can't read the current Apache jk config

The following statements are used

loadbalancer update

   lr is int >= 1
   lt is int >= 59

worker update

here I used for the parameter l for the name of the loadbalancer! I not need it for textupdate command

I also thing that next stepfor jk_status is a multi channel output mode! :-)

All worker names are URLEncoded and you can setup the charset at the ant task.
I wan't deal directly with the worker names at my script and not with the internal id's.


Mladen Turk schrieb:

Hey this is cool :).


add JkStausUpdate task for mod:jk status worker (greater mod_jk 1.2.9 only)

I thought it was meant to be an XML, to pick up the config from apache.
Also, can you keep the cmd=update and add something like:
"&mime=html|xml|txt" ?

Further more 'lr' and 'lb' params are using integer values (worker id's)
so you will need to use integers or change the code to accept strings.

The reason why I choose the integers or id's was because in that case
there is no need to url encode worker names. Of course we can what
documentation says accept only alnums for worker names, but that will
break backward compatibility in some cases.
I would like for this version to add ERROR message in the log if
worker name is non-url safe, but still allow it for now.

IMO ant task should pick up default values from apache directly by
parsing xml output.


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