Your approach is right and should work.  You basically have to move
everything up the classloader hierarchy into Tomcat's section, and have a
copy of the MBean stuff in each webapp classloader repository that you want
to manage.

And I agree that it sucks...


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jess Holle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, March 17, 2005 4:30 PM
> To: Tomcat Developers List
> Subject: Re: Web apps vs. Logging vs. Tomcat
> Thanks.  That answers that part of the question quite succinctly.
> Now what remains is how can I work with log4j and commons logging --
> commons logging's behavior vis-a-vis the contextual classloader seems
> onerous if not just plain wrong.
> The only way I can see to "fix" this is to deploy log4j in Tomcat's own
> lib directories -- and deploy my log4j controller MBeans there for the
> default LoggeRepository and again in each web app for each web app's
> LoggerRepository.
> If that's what I need to do, I'll get on with doing it, but I'd like to
> know I'm not just overlooking the obvious...
> --
> Jess Holle
> Yoav Shapira wrote:
> >UGLI is far from mature enough to be used by Tomcat at this point.  When
> >log4j 1.3 is out, we'll see.
> >
> >Yoav
> >
> >
> >>-----Original Message-----
> >>From: Jess Holle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >>Sent: Thursday, March 17, 2005 4:17 PM
> >>To: Tomcat Developers List
> >>Subject: Re: Web apps vs. Logging vs. Tomcat
> >>
> >>P.S.  Why does Tomcat use Commons Logging rather than UGLI?
> >>
> >>Jess Holle wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>>I had e-mailed this to users mailing list, but I have what I believe
> >>>is a more "dev" follow-on question:
> >>>
> >>>   Is there a good way to get my own start/stop action called at a
> >>>   per-VM level?
> >>>
> >>>   This is assuming I end up having to move log4j up into Tomcat's
> >>>   classloaders -- at which point I'll want to install my
> >>>   LoggerRepository controlling MBeans up at this level as well -- as
> >>>   log4j's MBeans have issues and using log4j loggers means you don't
> >>>   get the (admittedly sparse) java.util.logging MBean coverage.
> >>>
> >>>--
> >>>Jess Holle
> >>>
> >>>Jess Holle wrote:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>>I have been trying to get really serious about log4j in web apps.
> >>>>
> >>>>I note that Tomcat (thanks to commons-logging) uses java.util.logging
> >>>>*except* for loggers created while my web app's classloader is the
> >>>>current contextual classloader -- at which point it suddenly uses
> >>>>log4j (since my web app does) without giving my web app a chance to
> >>>>initialize it in any way as best I can tell.
> >>>>
> >>>>My web app has a ServletContextListener which initializes log4j by
> >>>>setting up its own LoggerRepository, configuration file and watcher
> >>>>(since log4j's won't shutdown), etc.  Of course, every Tomcat logger
> >>>>created within my web app up until this point is now using log4j from
> >>>>my web app (!) and using the basic log4j.properties [if present] from
> >>>>my web app -- for loggers that apply to all web apps!
> >>>>
> >>>>How is one supposed to work this?  I am currently using a static
> >>>>LoggerRepository reference within my web app so that a log4j loaded
> >>>>higher in the classloader tree won't cause LoggerRepository sharing.
> >>>>I was using a JNDI-based LoggerRepositorySelector as per log4j author
> >>>>recommendations, but this goes a step further than above -- it puts
> >>>>all the Tomcat loggers that are errantly using my log4j into my
> >>>>LoggerRepository -- which would be fine if these loggers were not
> >>>>shared with other web apps.
> >>>>
> >>>>What's the solution here?  Do I have to put log4j into Tomcat's lib
> >>>>directories to force it to use its own centralized log4j?  Is that
> >>>>the best solution?
> >>>>
> >>>>--
> >>>>Jess Holle
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
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> >
> >
> >
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