Costin Manolache wrote:
Mladen Turk wrote:

I kind of disagree...

If I want Firefox for linux - I get it from It may be a .tar.gz or .rpm - but it is a binary provided by the software maintainers, not by a 3rd party ( like a linux distributor ). And it is the 'real' thing, not a randomly modified version ( different flags and features, etc ).

This is *so* not cool, you're not using Gentoo ;)
First you use binaries. Ok, fine. But then, you use .tgz or .rpm ? I expected better.

Linux is such a mess in large part because people who write software treat it as second-class - 'let someone else deal with compiling binaries for linux, I'll only do it for windows and mac'. As a result linux distributions have the freedom to mess up and 'personalize' each package to their own taste ( we all know how painful it is to switch from one distro to another or use/support 2 distros - each file is in a different place - this is called lock in ). On windows - you can get nice binaries, with installer and everything else you would expect - distributed by the package authors.

Even if we produce binaries, distributions will use their own. People also tend to use what their distribution provides.


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